hit guardrail, fix? or buy another car?

yea…well…i juss got home…it’s 3:53am…my 240s in pain right now… :frowning: i was drivin on the 401 west and exitin onto the belfield/409 ramp, and my car swirved, left 'n right, then did a 180 'n slammed into the guard rail…
passenger side bottom is messed up, the frame’s bent 'n all…
…i’m guesstimating the costs will be at least $2Gs to repair the frame and paint the car again, well…at least $3Gs? the passenger door doesn’t even close…i’ll have pics up on the weekend…

…if the estimate for repairs is over $2500, I think i’d be better off buyin another s13? i can always part out this car 'n get back a few bucks from it…
…the engine 'n front is fine, but hte alignment is messed up, driving straight my steering wheel is almost a 90 degree turn to the left. other than that it drives fine, so hopefully there wasn’t any damage under the car…

…any input? or experience from someone who’s gone through this? agh…had the car for only 13 days…

Car swerved… you mean you were going too fast and lost control. Congrats on driving stupidly after 13 days of ownership.

If the damage is as bad as you say, buy another car and part this one out. Consider something other than a 240sx for your next car.

ahh i couldnt have said it better.

u need to grab yourself a nice FWD car, if you like nissans grab a SE-R sentra with an DR20DE…

if ur car swerved u should have counter-steered, 240’s are made to swerve. im sure u know this tho, so i’ll stop talking shit. the frame is bent, the car IS garbage now. it would cost SO much to fix, considering its even fixable. part it out and hit up TSR for a nice safe car. grab a talon, they dont “swerve” out :wink:

this is why I can’t find a clean 240 again. People keep totaling them :cry:

lol yo man, i wasn’t driving “stupidly” i dont do stupid things when it comes to driving. It was just a night after work i was driving a coworker home, nothing special, no “drift” attempts with friends watching or anything. oh i did countersteer…but anyways, doesn’t matter how i defend myself, what happened happened. but yea, I aint goin towards talons, i’ll probably just grab another 240, who knows, I Juss need a car soon. I’ll part it out or setll it to my friend as a whole parts car, but I dont know how much it’d be worth, like the mechanics 'n all that is fine, the engine wasn’t touched since it was a rear-middle side impact.

oh and another question, if i do part it out, including the engine 'n such, I can just call one of those Junk Cars ppl? will they take the car if it’s parted out?

Ha Ha I knew it would be someone on here, flew by shortly after in a black hatch around 4 going to work I was gonna stop but it did’nt look serious. Hope you get it fixed cheap and if it’s over 1500 scrap it for parts. I know it was dark but how the fuc@ did that happen?


omg guys shut up. Everyone has a smash here and there. So the kid was an idiot does he need to hear about it from you?

Buy a cheap shell like an 89 thats clean and put all your stuff in it bud. Good luck. Practice car control in a parking lot n shit

Buy an S14a! There’s a few interior parts I need. Let me know…

omg Sasha shut up…

Clearly he was driving like a cock…

Haha, and now gets to payyyyyy the price…

If you find one of those, be sure to tell me Sasha. If you can find me a mint 89 thats running for that matter tell me.

I’ve been looking for another 240 since mid October, they are few and far between


yea, that wasn’t me buddy, this was around 12:30am.
well you ppl seem to be putting useless remarks for the most part, and callin me a kid? u fags dont even know me and already u jump to conclusions, nice one! I juss come on here to see what would be better, thanks to the ones who said what they had to say about it, then u got ppl sayin i drove like an idiot 'n all that? real mature. whatever, i’m not here to start any drama. thanks anyways.

ill buy your smashed car off you

check pm’s

Who calls people “Twinkle-toe-fairys” anymore?

oh shut up everyone…

the weather is bad out, people have accidents, especially new drivers. and eveyrone here will be involved in a similar accident in their lives. think of how you will feel when accused of being a moron when you have an “ACCIDENT”

i am sorry to hear about your misfortune

Damn, you smashed up my car! :cry:

Okay, here are some pics of the damage.

I don’t want to see anyone flaming any more about Riceboy’s driving.

Only post if you have advice on whether or not the car can be repaired etc.



The car is garbage unless you are boning the body shop owners little girl. Part that bitch out and go rock another S13.

From those 2 pictures, it’s hard to tell …

you say you bent the frame … how do you know?

Has the car been appraised?

It’s very hard to just give a round figure as to how much it will cost.

Frames can be straightened, body panels can be replaced.

If you go to a collision shop, they’ll definitley quote you about %500 of what it will cost.

See, body shops deal with insurance companies, so they make up these obscene prices, because it’s not REAL money. It’s paperwork.

If you have any skills or know anyone that does, this is what I’d do.

Go over the car tip to tail. Make a list of everything that no longer looks right. Bent/broken suspension/steering parts are pretty easy to see. You only hit one side of the car, so you’ll have a side to compare to.

If you went side/back into the rail, I doubt your frame got torqued, unless it was weak and rusty.

You might be in for some rear suspension, rims and body work.

Do you need it painted?

If you have no skills, and don’t trust anyone to not gouge you … grab the insurance money, buy your wreck back as a parts car and find a good shell.

Then again, that would kind of necessitate the same skills as fixing it.

So, in short …

a) if you have skills, fix it if it’s not too far gone

b) if too far gone, but you have skills buy another and make two 240s into one.

c) if no skills, find a replacement, get a quote on repairing yours. Figure out which route will be cheaper and go with it.

Heh, “I can drift, I know how to countersteer, I’ll never get into an accident”

nice attitude, hope that works out for you

Alright find out if the frame is pooched if not then find out what parts you need and pm me I have a 89 parts car that has all the parts needed. I was gonna sell it but i need it for tranny. Get back to me my passenger side is fine.



hope that helps you out!!

Ps ODes the car drive straight?

yea thx phil, k ther’s one pic he didn’t put up, it was the pic of the entire side, from the front fender to the back(those two pics up there) ther eis damge on the rocker panels, like under the door, it’s bent in, but yea, I know that regular body shops’ll try to anal me, so my friend is gonna talk to his boys, he’s part of this crew called SLS Racing which has a collision centre/custom body shop. I just called him before i read these postings actually, i’m gonna email him the pics he’s gonna talkt o them and get a rouh estimate as well as whether it’d be better for me to buy new front 'n rear panels. if it comes to that i’ll be lookin for parts on here :slight_smile: