another one down

A good friend I knew from Salem passed away today from a bike accident last night . He was 30 yrs old , way to young for this shit .

Im sorry for your loss man…what the heck is with all of the bike fatalities this year??

RIP…my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends

Sorry to hear that John and sorry for him and his family. This year seems like there have been more motorcycle related deaths then any prior


RIP real sorry John, my condolences to his family

RIP…Sorry to hear John…thoughts and prayers go out to his family

Every year there are plenty. Maybe just not always local or you hear about them.

If I recall on average there is one every other day per year, accounting for the winter, that’s one every day in NY.

wow, sorry to hear…RIP


not even his fault . he was ridin a h/d electraglide when some logging truck pulled out to wide taking up both lanes , the rest im sure u guys can fill in .


Not being at fault only eliminates one of 5 possible variables that can kill you on every ride. It’s a dangerous sport.

I’ll bet you the truck driver will barely get a ticket. :Idiots

RIP. im so sorry. i know how it feels.