Another reason why Canada sucks...

no canada still sucks… many more reasons … i just dont have time to list them all


Since he took the radar and is prolly using it in his car, I refuse to pay it.


What the fuck makes you think HE needs YOUR radar detector?

Guys, the law is simple. Don’t fucking bring a radar detector over the border. Not too difficult to follow.

Close this thread.

how about dont go to canada and dont pay the ticket…

they cant come git you…

fuck them


no canada still sucks… many more reasons … i just dont have time to list them all


No…it doesn’t.

Yes…yes it does. I have spent too much time there and have no urge to ever go back.


No…it doesn’t.


Canada is the source of pure and unadultured evil.


Canada is the source of pure and unadultured evil.


Pure evil? Like hockey? And good beer?

Abouit 3 years ago I was caught street racing in Toronto and I was with a bunch of other cars all were canadian drivers . I got off easy with a ticket compared to the other guys there but was asked to leave the country that night.For the most part and spending one night in jail for being drunk in public many years prior .The OPP were very good to me .True they have some screwed up laws but its their land and we have to follow them when we go. The bottle issue you got off pretty easy compared to what I have heard has happen to others.I would just pay the ticket and take it as a learning curve.Shit every ticket I have ever gotten I always paid it and never tried to weasel my way out of regardless of what it cost.If you are willing to do the crime and expect to get caught sometime sooner or later.And there are plenty off signs entering the country telling you about the radar detector rules.

All you people saying canada sucks are completely retarded…

I agree with you all the way man.Its one of the most cleanest and friendliest places to visit and get away from boring Buffalo.If it wasnt for my wifes citizen status I would cross the border to live in a heart beat .


I agree with you all the way man.Its one of the most cleanest and friendliest places .



I find the ratio of nice people is much higher there than I have found elsewhere, including here, and from my experiences, everything is cleaner and more well kept.


I agree with you all the way man.Its one of the most cleanest and friendliest places to visit and get away from boring Buffalo.If it wasnt for my wifes citizen status I would cross the border to live in a heart beat .



All the assholes I have ever run into were New Yorkers.

It’s clean, and more exciting than state side. Fuck just cruise down the River and look around. I always head to Canadian waters just for that reason alone.

I thought it was common knowledge that radar detectors were illegal in canada. I wouldnt bitch about it.

Next time just have your nitrous bottle full and when the cop asks to remove it spray him in the eyes. I’m pretty sure theres no signs that say “Don’t spray police officers in the eyes with nitrous” on the way in to canada so it should be ok.


i just told him i didnt know…and acted dumb about it


So the cop is thinking your just another dumb american… Playing dumb is just ignorance to the law in most cases, and I bet that pisses cops off more than being honest.


Next time just have your nitrous bottle full and when the cop asks to remove it spray him in the eyes. I’m pretty sure theres no signs that say “Don’t spray police officers in the eyes with nitrous” on the way in to canada so it should be ok.




So the cop is thinking your just another dumb american… Playing dumb is just ignorance to the law in most cases, and I bet that pisses cops off more than being honest.


well playing dumb as not knowing plus my car was sitting on the side of the road and i was walking away…

what if i didnt tell the officer it was my car and said i dont know… would they tow my veichle because i have a radar…or smash my glass to get it?

Smash windshield? No
Tow? Possibly.

You have no right to be pissed off.


how about dont go to canada and dont pay the ticket…

they cant come git you…

fuck them



Tickets in Ontario cross over to NY. The Canadian police can notify the DMV in NY state and you CAN be arrested by a NY state trooper. From what the DMV told me, they will notify you that you failed to respond to a ticket and give you a chance to pay it.

I just was pulled over Monday morning and was fine. Nothing on my license.

To all you guys not paying your tickets issued in Canada, I hope you dont plan on ever crossing the border again. Prepare to bend over if you do so