Another rocket down....

I’ve never met/seen a sport bike rider who didn’t break the law in some way every time they used it… granted I’m the same with my driving… but the difference is that I have the roll cage on the outside of me.


I’ve never met/seen a sport bike rider who didn’t break the law in some way every time they used it…


Because there are none.


Because there are none.


truth. speeding is a law that gets broken 99.9 % of the time my bike is started. sometimes in great excess… most of the time just 10 over… its hard to cruise at 30 mph on a sportbike, and it feels almost dangerous to get passed when doing only 30

i remember my 1st year riding…

i almost went into a guard rail on GI. (east river rd)
like an idiot, i looked down… as i did the bike straighted up some.

i immediatly had thoughts of jumping up and off it into the water and wether or not i would clear teh rocks.

my 2nd thought was… hey, ive already done this a bunch of times…
grabbed the brakes while straightening all teh way up…
then letting go and getting back into it.

if nothing else… the MSF course shows you the stuff you need to practice
every year.

Wow, TheBlue. Long time no see. You and Moffitt just popped up out of the blue. No pun intended.

wow that sucks…so close to me… I always cruise that road.

The thought always crosses my mind to sell my bike and pick up a summer car…but then as soon as I hop on my bike…I change my mind

Owning/riding a motorcycle can be a very exciting and enjoyable experience, but the operator needs to be more mature, controlled, and responsible than your average driver. I’m sorry but a 19yo kid with any of those qualities (much less all) is rare. I see a lot of guys weaving in and out of ~70mph traffic on the thruway all the time and no body seems to wear leathers or any sort of protective clothing anymore. A common excuse: everyone dies eventually. Thank god we have helmet laws or they wouldn’t be wearing one of those either…


if nothing else… the MSF course shows you the stuff you need to practice
every year.


to be honest, i took this course and have smartened up a ton. I’ve hardly been riding this year anyways, but when i do i might do 10mph over like willy said, but IIRC I haven’t seen 100mph+ this season and dont plan on it. I take it out once a week if im lucky. Big change since last year. I bought gear, took the course, and ride like a puss. I think i got it out of my system last year.

I drove by the area of the crash, sad to think about and accidents like these wisen me up



to be honest, i took this course and have smartened up a ton. I’ve hardly been riding this year anyways, but when i do i might do 10mph over like willy said, but IIRC I haven’t seen 100mph+ this season and dont plan on it. I take it out once a week if im lucky. Big change since last year. I bought gear, took the course, and ride like a puss. I think i got it out of my system last year.

I drove by the area of the crash, sad to think about and accidents like these wisen me up



any remains at the crash site? I was thinking about riding by before work… It just gives you that errie sensation…that maybe will smack some sense into me.

I crashed my R6 on Rt 240 a few years ago and the guardrail cut me up pretty good. Thankfully I walked away but I remember every second of the crash. A week later another kid crashed same spot and died. It’s tragic. I feel for the guy’s family. RIP

most likely my friend scott… right before kb… people call it dead mans curve… its like a double decreasing radius depending on how you hit it and its blind… i know ALOT of people who have crashed there and on willardshire on the up hill turn… one of them being myself… ride safely

ya that’s the corner man. Sorry to hear about your friend. It’s the corner before the Colden Post Office . I didn’t know the road and went flying into the curve way too fast. I haven’t owned a bike since but have ridden a few times though. Definitely not the same though.

i went to school with someone with that same last name.

sucks to here, rip.

be safe everyone.

nope there’s nothing there at the said crash site

and dead man’s curve is nothing to fuck with. I pussyfoot it around that area.

I try and learn from the unfortunate, sad but true in a way…

Yup. Another one of my friends is down. Went to school with him. Wasn’t too smart about some things but still way too young to die. PS. He was from Angola. Went to Lakeshore.


it seems as though people have a “superman” complex and i dont mean like cubancrisis. i


Sorry, I just had to snicker at that one :mamoru:


nope there’s nothing there at the said crash site

and dead man’s curve is nothing to fuck with. I pussyfoot it around that area.

I try and learn from the unfortunate, sad but true in a way…


240 is an amazing road…and deadmans corner…yuck…i almost took out part of the wall (making a right in the corner) by early apexing it…

I also drifted that corner in my wrx when it was wet out.

very fun corner…but I love how it is nicknames deadmans

i rode 240 the first week i got my bike. if i wasn’t from the area and very familiar with it, i know i would have died or been seriously injured. i always get the feeling that i should get rid of my bike when i read these things but every time i get on it, i remember why i keep it. be safe out there guys.

240 is a blast to drive on, and I’m sure even more so to ride on.

The thing that scares me most about those turns is coming around them, and having some jackass cutting the turn short in the outer lane, and stealing half of your inside lane and forcing you towards the wall/hill.

Everyone ride safe out there though.

on 240 does anyone know the speed limit on the so called deadmans curve area? just curious.