Another school shooting... NIU

isnt this like for 4th or 5th school shooting this week?

Weird. At least 2 of the guns were purchased legally, which means that at least one hand gun was so he passed the background check. His undergrad degree was in sociology and he conducted graduate studies on self-inflicted wounds among prisoners. Seems like he just snapped.

There are far far sicked things going on in our countries than this… anyways.

V-Tech dude took things to a whole new level with his manifesto and video… the fact that this guy was a grad student means he should have been able to do cooler shit than the V-Tech guy. As a result, i am not impressed by this at all.

the next big thing is in combination with the shooting to do one of two things:

live and be crazy arrogant but also be a really bright dude who did it sorta just because…

or… do it, kill yourself, but set it up so that you have months or years worth of videos that eventually get uploaded to youtube or something so that you can speak beyond the grave… that shit would be ultra-rad.

background checks are pointless in long term planning… im certain if i wanted a handgun, id have one… legally… shitty though…

This is getting ridiculous. I agree with what was said about the media coverage tho. The media makes anything seem like entertainment, when its the furthest from it. Look at the war in Iraq, they have flashy slogans and sounds and everything, to make war seem almost entertaining, the same goes with school shootings. This doesn’t help the fact of the matter. These kids are messed up, and they want attention, so when they see this stuff on TV being played over and over, they figure it’s how they want to be remembered also.

I don’t hear stories about students in Canada doing this. Maybe Michael Moore is on to something, he loves Canada!

bing you’re sick… and it probably will happen… in our lifetime

it would be more rad to have the videos be posted just prior and have somebody be waiting for him… and keep him alive for a bit… I break his legs based on his intent… make him walk with a limp for the rest of his SHORT life

I wonder how long it will be before someone shoots for Cho’s “high score.”

yes, the high-score notion totally appeals to me. As disgusting as it sounds, 5 kills is weak. My reaction is a testament to our desensitization.

Cho smoked them fools. He broke off some ill-technique and had strategy. He was less-armed than the two dudes from Columbine and got way more kills.

then the video shit… crazy stuff… that was off the charts… the bar is set high.

this new guy is an honoured grad student, i would have expected more.

another thing that would be interesting would be if the shooter didnt shoot himself and ran… like a well thought out escape route and actually got away with it or if there was a massive manhunt… that is probably a ways away though… baby steps people

You could moonlight writing editorials for Time…

Bing, you’re kinda sick dude.


You cant suck and blow.

You talk about the media desensitizing you about the war and school shootings then you take it seriously.

it has either jaded you or it hasnt.

clearly, this is more a social issue than a criminal one. Discussing it as such is not sick.

I never said it desensitized me in particular, I meant people in general. The way you worded things just makes it sound like some demented game, getting the high score and racking up kills. This is real-life, not some video game where you can restart the game and everyone is ok.


other discussions on this subjec ton other forums are way more fun.

you are a bunch of pussies…talking all sad, WTF is wrong people etc. etc.

this stuff is not going to stop happening at all, it can only start happening more… it’s a totally reasonable way to react since the fault always falls on video games, parents, gun laws etc.

the events become political platforms for just about everything and the last person to be at fault is the gunmen.

stop crying, wear kevlar



I’m still waiting for the release of:

Tom Clancy’s RainbowSix: Virginia Tech

that shit’ll be hawt!