another TheShopCT production

:rofl finish your fucking peoject!

Bro apparel for all my bros.

Stickers will be made tomorrow when I get back from a wedding. Brotuned.
Bro-winning. Browned.
I got a major broner right now.


Brotuned :rofl

Youre going to make a ‘Broner’ one too, right?

Bro a sack

You guys are just so bromantic…


Bronother video Bro. Without any bro’s bro. No I didn’t edit them out either.
That is said car too, with the owner in the back.
Then another new video as well

Much better without bros, bro.

Its because we were in Upstate NY for that video, not down in the city…Lingo is different…

Serious bro-hate in these parts.

I live in Lake George, I’m thoroughly aware.


I have nothing to do with the BPM’s, but I do have something to do with The Shop lol.

That sucks.

that brosucks

brohammud ali bro

Wheres the brobra brobra jeffey?