Another V8 for the Z boyz

so first off let me clearify that i went into this one expecting to have my ass handed to me, my confidence is still pretty shaken up since my last encounter with a certain sunfire…

but, coming from from Melissa’s tonight, i decide to take my usual long way home, and by long way i mean a 10 mile detour…and so this leads me to the road on which the fun took place :smiley:

way ahead of me, i see a car make a turn onto the road which i am traveling…and the tails look very familiar, and my car was feeling fast tonight (yes, my car has a personality, and it changed it’s mind as to how it wants to perform daily on me) so i go after it…it looked like a camaro, and what do ya know…that’s exactly what it was. an older style (not old older, but like…late 90’s style), Z28 with i believe the 305hp, 335tq LT1 in it (i’m not an f-bod buff by any means, but that’s the numbers is giving me, so correct me if i’m wrong)

i got next to the guy, and he got on it a bit, so i did the same and got back next to him…for a while we just paced each other…i was constantly looking over hoping to get his attention so we could set it up properly, but rather he just kept blipping the throttle…or at least i assumed he was doing so, but with his stock exhaust it was hard to tell, i couldn’t really hear it…

assuming though, that he was in fact blipping his throttle, i did the same right back, dropping down to 3rd at about40 or 45ish, i decide to hold a blip to see if he chases…BINGO

i get into it as he gets up next to me, and we hold pretty even up to about 70ish, but i’ve seen many cops in this area before, so i slowed down a bit…and waited to get past the intersection we were approaching…

get next to each other again, i roll down my window, but he still wont look over, but rather we each get on it again a bit, he jumps, i chase…i stay in 3rd and by about half way through 3rd gear, i had reeled in the 1 or 2 car lengths he had jumped on me at first, and began inching on him…again though, we both shut down, it was very close…

finally, we both slowed down enough to do a 2nd gear pull, from maybe 25ish or so…he STILL wouldn’t look over or anything, so i just waited for him to get on it, and sure enough…he did, and i kinda predicted it, so it wasn’t long at all after that i got on it, losing no ground on the “launch” (in quotes because you aren’t exactly launching when roll racing)…

this one felt good…i immediately put his front bumper at my door…and out of second, into third…his front bumper at my rear bumper…by about 85mph or so i had about 1.5 to 2 cars on him, but if he’s on here, he would have to clearify that because the blind spots in my car are horrible…all i know is that i was ahead of him, and he wasn’t coming back :tup:

obviously his car was completely stock, otherwise i would have been toast, and i still dont understand how i pulled him at all, with my car being so sloooowwww…but hey, it was still a good time, and hopefully somebody on here knows him and gets him on here to post the other side of the story so everybody is on the same page, because these things always vary from one car’s point of view to the next’s…

and i was already asked “how come you’re racing, i thought you weren’t gonna get on it until you get your compression problems all worked out”

yeah well, that’s true…it still is true, but how could i pass this one down, no cars around, and a V8 f-bod on the prowl just the same as i was…it was too good to say no to, but this in no way means i’m accepting challenges, because i really should be taking it easy on my car until everything is in top notch shape

domestic killas 4L :tup:

Sounds like a good time.

bah…are you sure it was an LT1 and not like one of the 305 ones? And stop using the compression as an excuse still…tear the bitch down and get on it! At least then the races will be more interesting, seeing how the stock turbo z’s make 300 motor…and yours seems to be like around the 190-200 range…anyway good kill I guess…wanna run em? lmao

305s were quarantined from something as awesome as an f-body in '93, thankfully

put that shit in trucks and 4drs

who was it?

EDIT: oh no. Those cars are actually quite useful when you actually put something worthwhile in there.

thank god…that 305 motor in stock form is complete crap from the late 80’s early 90’s f-bods. The only thing those cars are good for are burn-outs lol

good kill andy. you do realize you can do a 40 roll pull starting in second gear right?

LT1s are like 14sec stock cars. Was it an auto or manual? If it was an auto then you beat it from a 40-45 roll because the tranny wont kick down into 1st at that speed, so its slow as shit.

not bad.

Nice kill

you should run psychop

You should stop crying like a bitch about your compression when you lose a race…then you turn around and post kill storys…

I bet that loss of compression is probbley costing you 3% of your HP or something lame…

yea if the car still runs you cant be losing to much.

just up the booost

A lot of hate in here…

Fuck it Andy. Keep posting your kills…they’re always good reads.

That’s actually true…

if you are going to bitch about compression when you lose, then don’t race at all…

if you race, you race. You raced this time you won, end of story. You race next time you lose, end of story. Not “oh my compression blah blah”

Just like viper boi - You race and you don’t give it full throttle, and you lose, no “i didn’t give it full throttle”.

LOL, good man

Ill race you Andy after i finish my exhaust work until than the car is out of commission

actually i’m complaining about my compression whether i lose or win, so how am i using it as an excuse?

and to chris (05orangeSS), school’s done this friday, then i’ll finally have time and money to tear it down and get shit right… :tup:
