Any Adult Hockey players out there?

what are you asking, Were you there?

I was there, who were u on the ice?? like, what kind of equipment?

no need to try and figure out who i am i had on my purple jersey, were you there?

Yea, I had the blue Molson jersey, blue helmet, orange synergy stick…

i know who you are, are you going this week

What time is this at, 8:45?


I’ll be there this week for sure. Does Kemper or Guff still go?

no that was monday nights

there is also a great skate on wensday mornings at 10am

You were there two days ago??

i need to get my ass back on the ice. sean…call me if you need anyone for the nite plays.

you kidding i had a purple jersey on

Its open hockey. Come out Sunday. Myself and Sean will be there. Sully may be there too

Tall guy? you were on my team, lol, sorry

i was on your team and i was that guy with purple on

Anyone want to skate tonight at the nick in troy?? open hockey!

You’re team looking for an extra player?! don’t want to brag, but I am pretty good. lol

As of right now they aren’t taking any walk-on’s. What time is the open hockey at the Knick tonight? I might go and skate.

PM’d you my number. Let me know if you want to go tonight

I believe it’s at 9:30 down at the Knick in Troy. prob about $15 to play…

Tonight so far me, Sullivan, and one of his buddies from work are going to go check it out. Anyone else on here want to meet us down there, let one of us know!