Any BMW junkies out there? Paint code question

Yea i got some pics…ill post em up when i get home

post those fuckers up asap! lol

thanks dude

these are after the first coat so there still really light…after 4 coats and a few clear coats it looks way different but heres some shitty cell pics…they really do no justice

Looks pretty good, a little light but fuck it… your gonna clearcoat the interior trim right? Looks flat right now.

yea none of thoes pics have clear on them…it really doesnt look like that color at all…way closer to the pictures you gave rick and the one in your avatar…if i go up to the shop tomorrow i will take some good pics of the finished product

ok cool, sounds good bro thanks.

I like it man, looking good. Can’t wait to see pics of the finished product.

thanks dude, I cant wait either! After paint im gonna do some m5 two toned interior and then im THINKING about turboing it. It would be fun, but I just dont know if it’d be worth it… What I SHOUULD have done is just sold this one and bought an m5 and then turbo’d that. I feel even with 400-500 horsepower a 540 still wont get the respect that an m5 would you know? lol…maybe its just me.

The turbo’d 540 would be a bit more sleeper than an M5 though. People would expect to just race a stock 540 and think nothing of it.

just spray it with 75-100 shot…

Maybe, I just think alot of people would talk shit lol, not that I care buttt…And I know what your saying about sleeper, but I already fucked that idea when I whent with 3" straight pipe… This bmw is the loudest fucking car I’ve ever heard lol.

4:27 - Video doesnt even sound loud, its like 52435235879 times louder lol.


Thought about it, but I want the thing to not blow in the near future lol, internals are all stock… I JUST sold a 75 shot nos fogger kit to Hondarat09 too lol

I need video of you folding that old guy, now!

LOL unfortionatly no vid :frowning: idk why my cam just went off but it did… I jumped out of the car and tackled the guy, got a few good cracks in and then all of a sudden like… His family and all of his ancestors came running out (like 9 people lol) and started to attack me… The funny thing is 10 fucking dudes and I really dont know if I was hit 3 times? lol… Police asked if I wanted him arrested I said nah just tell him to give me $500 for damage, the guy DENIED!!! Instead he was arrested, was charged a MINIMUM of $800 for a lawyer and I got a quote from wrecko for like $800 :wink: to repair the rock damage so hes gonna end up paying MORE then double lol.

What d-bag, lol!

Just got done at Northeast Motorsports bodyshop and the car looks good so far! There’s a lot of reassembly still!

You never even went that fast, the speedo was shown multiple times. This guy is obviously a fuckin’ clownshoe. I like how you didn’t even hesitate to jump out, that’s hilarious.

It would have been way better if the camera had stayed on!

nicee…you work with them orr? Any pics??

Hesitate? fuck no lol. Bro Im glad the government made it so hard to get a gun license becuase if I had 1 I woulda shot that peice of shit. Who the fuck randomly throws a fucking rock at someones car not even cuz I was speeding, but becuase my exhaust was loud!!! It was like 4 in the afternoon!!

I agree lol…

BTW, I just peeked at your website, whos 323!? I want those rims!! They look like they would match my paint??