any dubbers want to help me out?

Reasonable or not it’s still gonna cost alot

give him a call, if anything I’m sure hed be more than happy to give you some help/advice free of charge

Worth a shot :thumbup

dude , ya had to know that it was gonna cost money …i know pete well he isnt the type to say fuck you unless bugged or suttin else happened along the way . do some resaerch and do it yourself man it aint that hard homey

well i know that…i have allready sunk a ton of money into it, enough that im never gonna make my money back selling it so over the next few years if i buy a garage it will be time for a full resto.

and pete wasnt like fuck you i know he isnt like that its just the “im busy”“ill see what i can do” stuff like that and i kinda need it done soon

but i think i found someone that is gonna give me a hand with it, and if that doesnt work out ill give the other guys a call and if it still doesnt get done ill just have to figure something out

I can’t really imagine you put a TON of money into this as 16 valve motors don’t fetch a lot of coin and regardless of how much you put into it, you should know you’ll never see a return of investment.

every vehicle i have owned i have made about 2x what i put into it…

my last jeep i bought for 350 from a body shop, i put a new front clip on it from my parts jeep…then 1500 in suspension and wheels and i sold it for 3000

i should post a pic of what it looks like

…for the last 4 days :Idiots

Yeah that’s just about pissed me off >:(

thing needs to get done so I can get it the hell out of there and finish it