Any Interest In a Dyno Tuning Session?

Whats up guys. Where is this taking place? I need some street tuning on the hwy. and wondering if there is anywhere we can make 50 - 80mph pulls. I would still be in for the dyno tune but really need some street manners addressed.

Not sure what shop/dyno we’ll use, but I’ll be working out of Jeff’s primarily. Get on the list, we’ll figure out the details later. I need 10 confirmed to make the trip.

ed starting to get familiar with your voicemail lol. give me a call when you get a chance

go ahead and add me. If you work out of that shop in verona, rte.28 will be great for logging/tuning. Plus im right up the road from there.

Got a new phone. I’ll call ya from it, so’s ya gots me knew numba!

ha that person has to be getting pissed off. finally sent you a novel for you to read. check your email hopefully you didn’t change that either lol

\Im still in for drinking beer. add me to that list

Got it. Responded. I’ll call yas!

Guess we should start a second list? LOL

Still need a few more.

Jeff, tried to call you yesterday. Gimme a ring when you get a sec.

tried calling again with your new number but got your VM call me anytime when you get this. finally have power again.


Dennis (AutomaticWpn06 on ls1gto) & McLovin both said last night that they are in for tunes this time around.

I am in as well, my car should be ready.

Get em on the list. We’re about ready to start taking deposits.

im still in for the beer

I am missing a piece of the puzzle to getting my car back together… cough cough

Cough drops??? LOL

probably another cam huh?

If I am waiting for you to design me cough drops I am in trouble. :slight_smile:

I just bought this

Uhoh :smiley: