Any shift law people out there v. pre-purchase house inspection

Anyone in the shift community in law at all?? Basically my mother-in-law bought a house the house my wife and I are renting about 2.5-3 years ago and paid to have an inspection done on the house before purchasing it. Well apparently the inspector did a really shitty job and we are finding quite a few disturbing things about the house that he either never even looked at or didnt bother to tell her. First of all, the wiring in the house is sub-par to say the least… all of which can be seen in the basement simply with a live circuit tester (pm for more details if needed). Secondly, the ceiling is collapsed in 3 out of the 6 rooms of the house and the previous owner simply put up a drop ceiling to hide it. Apparently the house inspector never even bothered to look above the drop ceiling b/c he never pointed any of that out either. Granted, we really should have done a better inspection ourselves, but when you hire a “professional” to do it, you usually expect that he/she will do a thorough job. Had she known any of this, she probably never would have bought the house, but now we are stuck making some quite costly and time consuming repairs. Anyone know if any of those home inspections carry any kind of liability or “warranty” for issues that should have been seen during the inspection?


Not totally sure on this but Jammer does house inspections and he could probably point you down the right path.

You know Ken, my dad has been doing contracting for like 25 years, lol. I’ll ask my father if either he does it or if he knows of anyone in particular. Feel free to call my dad up. His Business is Goldwing Enterprises Inc. and his # is 441-6534. I do think Jammer does them too.

Dude it’s 3 years ago, might as well chalk that up to a life lesson kid. Call Jammer for any home inspections next time, he did mine and was right on the money with everything the house needed.

Also Jay’s dad is an excellent contractor if anyone needs one. One of the few people I would let work on my place!

I dont expect anything to happen with it, I was more just curious. I might as well do my own damn inspection when wifey and I get a house… lol

Dig that inspection report up and see what is actually put on paper first.

Go to court for damages on the basis of specific performance as laid out in the contract

Are you sure?

According to many people, my mom can still sue for medical malpractice from an operation done 12 years ago (they left a torn balloon in one of her arteries while doing open heart surgery). If I was her I would have, but my parents are really old school and chalk it up to ‘accident’.

And OP…did this happen 3 years ago or did your mom-in-law buy the house (just now) that you rented 3 year ago? I thought it was the latter.

What he said.

she bought the house about 3 years ago and we’ve been renting it since.

no i’m not sure, i just don’t realistically see an outcome worth the time you will put into a case. its going to be easier and cheaper in the long run to just do it yourself.

That depends on how bad the damage to the house is.
If it’s 50-100k worth of repairs…

I guess that makes sense…but like Oleg said, if it’s 10-20k or whatever, it’s probably easier to just deal with it. But if it’s a significant amount, it can’t hurt to try and get something help pay for the repairs.

It takes time and a lil bit of money if you do the work yourself. I told the guy inspecting my house before i bought it what my intentions were so that we were on the same page. He knew i was far from just some yuppy out to buy a house to live in.

I should post a picture of my cousins house he just bought, its sitting on huge i beams with the whole first floor walls hanging and taken out :slight_smile:

It’s a good point, but OP doesn’t own the house.
Unless he intends to buy it or rent for a loong time, I kinda doubt he wants to do all that work and pay for it himself.

kenny, get a hold of someone that is in the business and talk to them, or call up a lawyer and most of them will tell you if you can take any legal action or not. all you are gonna get from this forum is a bunch of people that are telling you their opinion that probably don’t know anything about it. the most i can tell you is that usually there is a limit on how long you have to file for anything, now i have no clue what it is for house purchasing/inspection because i never studied any of that law. besides jammer on here i don’t know who else would know about this on the forum. have ky’s mom make some calls.

yea, its not my house and its not coming out of my pocket, i’m must the nice son-in-law doing all the work… lol. The ceilings are not falling any further at the moment so we are going to deal with the wiring and finishing the remodel on the bathroom before we deal with any of the other stuff. I’m not even sure if she wants to deal with legal issues or not, I just figured I’d see if anyone had an idea about the topic.

Just because your mother has owned the house for 3 years difference doesn’t mean your out of luck. I’m sure your mother would know since she signed all the paper work; ask her to see if anything was disclosed about the issues your encountering. Chances are none of them are listed.

I’m going through something somewhat similiar to what your mother is going through and with the help of someone, i’m going through the steps to get it taken care of on the previous owners dime.