Any suggestions on a new muffler?

just a question, but my current muffler is rusting out at the welds, its the original muffler on the car (1998) so its kinda old, any recommendations on getting a new muffler? it could be performance or just a plain old muffler, im just looking at getting a new one before winter so i can rust-proof my car at schmidts. I figured id ask you guys cuz i dont want to 1- waste my money, 2- buy something ricy and 3- get destroyed like a certain person did with interior paint lol, but really, if u guys know what my best bet is thatd be sweet, thanks

EDIT: This is sorta a repost of a thread i had before, sorry about that.

OEM or ban.

Are there any holes or is it just rusty and you’re using that as an excuse to get a fart can?


autozone has some cheapos

:picard: But seriously, OEM. No point in a “performance” muffler because you will get nothing out of it. And honestly, I’d take that muffler through the winter and upgrade in the spring. Why not ride it out?

no i dont want a fart can lol, thats why im asking you guys, its got spot rust all over it and the inlet has small holes developing, i wanna knock this out before it becomes a problem/winter starts. I’ve heard from some ppl that dynomax and magnaflow are nice for performance mufflers, but like i said im not into the whole sounding like a lawn mower type deal. what would i expect to pay for OEM btw?

btw newman i just realized that too, sorry i wasnt thinking. i’ll edit/kill this thread


:picard: But seriously, OEM. No point in a “performance” muffler because you will get nothing out of it. And honestly, I’d take that muffler through the winter and upgrade in the spring. Why not ride it out?


true, i was thinking about that, if i got to schmidts it should protect it until spring atleast right? thats prolly my best bet actually

i bought a dynomax, 2.5 inch outlet, its deep sounding, not bad though, $40


true, i was thinking about that, if i got to schmidts it should protect it until spring atleast right? thats prolly my best bet actually


This will be my first time doing the Schmidt’s treatment, but i’d assume your muffler would make it through the winter. The noise shouldn’t be too overbearing even with a small hole or two.

yeah im just worried about rust but it should good then

I have a polished stainless, new in box, one for $30

There is a FS thread somewhere but im lazy, its 2.25 inch in/out on center

Its nearly impossible to find a decent muffler that has a small tip, theyre all stupid 4, 5… 6" tips… WTF…

I got me some OEM-ish mufflers, yanked em off a TL-s :slight_smile:

manderal bent


manderal bent


mandrel bunt muffler huh?

haha exactly, i look online for mufflers and i get these mega-huge outlets that could be used as tank barrels, what ever happened to good old nice mufflers? btw violater is it a ebay muffler? i might be interested if your just getting rid of it, as long as its actually good quality

I saw a couple of OEM used mufflers for your car on ebay. One for like $15 but shipping was another $50. So I dunno, maybe you could talk them down, they didn’t look in too bad of shape.

yeah but ive bought things off of ebay before, its hit and miss with those items cuz sometimes u get a decent product and sometimes u get really crappy ones (crappy welds, low quality steel, ect) so idk

just so you know, if you get your car undercoated they guy doing it will purposly avoid your exhaust

Before BikerFry’s gotta reach through the monitor and choke a ricer, here are a few things to consider:

-If Schmidts sprayed oil on your exhaust, your car would smell like burning oil.
-Yes, if your muffler or piping has a hole in it then it’s time to replace it.
-There is no such thing as a performance muffler by itself, unless your stock muffler is stupid restrictive (which it is not).
-The only way to avoid the swarm-of-bees sound on a stock 4 cylinder when modifying the muffler by itself is to keep it quiet. Otherwise you just have your choice of how loud and what the pitch is of your swarm of bees.
-Depending on where the rot is, you may have to remove a section of tubing to get to solid tubing to weld or clamp to.
-Can you weld and have access to a welder? If not then you may have a difficult time clusterfucking together clamps and hanger straps and will probably be better off paying a shop to weld up the necessary piping and hangers.