Any wine snobs?

I’ve been on a white wine kick recently, mainly Rieslings. Anyone have any suggestions?

Both my wife and my mother are way into wines, I’ll ask for a few suggestions.

My mother has a little plastic wine bottle that holds information on thousands of wines digitally, including reviews…makes trying something new less of a shot in the dark…I’ll get you that info as well.


i wine,cause i aint gots no PIZZA!!!

I’ve been a merlot guy for a good while. Currently tipping back some Yellow Tail…

I really like the Robert Mondavi 2004 Merlot and 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon. The 2002 Robert Mondavi Napa Valley/Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon is really really good, but at 50 a bottle (if you can find it) it’s a bit pricey.

If you like white/sweet, try Gewurztraminer and Leibfraumilch. Valkenburg Gewurztraminer is actually not bad.

In a pinch, get some 2 Buck Chuck over at Trader Joe’s.

German Whites, A good Spatlese. or, if you can find one an Auslese is kick ass. That’s if you like a sweeter white. If you like that pucker up dry shit, then you won’t like Germans…

Coppola Reds have always treated me very well.

I friggen love Reisling, but I don’t know enough about “why” I do to give explanation. I just kind of “like what I like”.
If you have a weekend, go up to the finger lakes area of NY and do a wine tasting tour. You’ll be hammered by the end of the day. But they actually have many award-winning reislings up there because I guess everything about the area is perfect for that.
Really nice area, and not too expensive. Really good “get away” with the wife/girl/whatever.

I’m into wines, but same deal, I don’t know how to explain the ones I like. I like White Merlot, and can’t stand any of the dry red wines I’ve tasted.

I’d like to learn more, and would love to goto Napa Valley/Wine Country. Ever seen the movie “Sideways?”

Yep, that’s what I drink, Franzia Merlot.

my boss goes up there…hes actually headed up there next weekend. theres a wine he was just telling me about today thats about $20 bucks a bottle…and the best white he’s ever had.

ill get the name for you when he gets back…

just a heads up…in ny when you buy a case you get a discount…
f.e. he gets a bottle of red wine: retail $13/bottle. if you buy the case the bottle price goes to $10.40 but it you were to buy it in pgh…theres no “case” discount and an automatic 18% tax and then the sales tax…so it turns into $16.41/bottle

what’s this wine in a bottle thing, I thought wine only came in those boxes. :slight_smile:

I had a few glasses of wine a long time ago and hated it, haven’t had any since.
beer>hard liquor>water>wine/champange

Ice wine ftw!!!

red merlot with good italian pasta dish ftw.

Oh brother! a gearhead that drinks wine! What is this world coming too???

Rice wine ftw.

the pinkish one mixed w/ cream soda or ginger ale is really good!!! OJ works too. lol

my favorite wine is Sangria. I try every restaurants I go to, so far the tu tu tango bar in Florida had the best besides the homemade from the mexican that fixed moms computer.

anyone thats not a real “wine” drinker would like it. theres a brand I particular like, ill grab the name when i get home.

Chateau Ste. Michelle is a good “cheap” Riesling. i prefer the spaltese whites, they are much sweeter due to the late harvest of the grapes.