Anybody know how to go about catching a very fast lizard?

maybe he chewed the wire

no but seriously do not let him die in your place, it will reak, from what people tell me

This happened to me one time. I used a laser pointer and the lil guy ran right out and tried to catch the laser on the floor. After a few seconds he knew the jig was up and then he looked at me and we stared at each other, our eyes met and then we just started laughing non stop. We then went out for drinks, picked up some chicks and had one crazy night! Ahhh memories.


i’ll find him

Wait 'till it dies.
Then look for it.
You won’t have any problems finding it then.

this is true

lol…i just got this image of a guy out with the geico gecko as a wing man.

look under your couch i bet youll find a bunch. I was cleaning for thanksgiving and i found like 10 dead ones and thats just from the 2 months i been back here.

Well, when you do catch it… make sure to interrogate it. It could save you 15% on your car insurance in only 15 minutes!

did you miss the part… that its not a gecko?

LOL, I guess so… it was a small lizard… close enough :slight_smile:

this may sound stupid, but it actually works. Get a long stick and tie some dental floss to the end of it. Have a noose at the end. For whatever reason they do no runaway from it. Just slide it over his head and pull. You’ll have him on a leash. Just take him outside and remove the noose. Problem solved. And yes it does work because when i was littler i used to catch them all the time like that on vacations in florida.

then take pics of leashed lizard.

When I was little I used to catch tons of those things in Florida. I have a picture of one sitting in the driver’s seat of a remote control Mercedes convertable. It just sat there as the car drove around.:smiley:


[size=2]so i saw my cat looking at something weird… he then start running after something… it was the damn lizard… but this time he went into my room… so i got pissed. He was on the side of my bed… tried to get him, then he scattered really fast to my walk in closet… which sucked, cause it was gonna be hard. I took everything out of the closet… cornered him… and i got him inside a jar…

he is now reunited outside with the others…



i was going to suggest release fire ants in your apartment. they would eventually bite the lizard enought that it would die.

I hope he goes back and tells his lizard friends how nice it was in your swanky domicile and then the lizard and his homeboys move in and start boozing and playing cards all nite.

:word: LOL


Quality :lol: