Anybody want to earn some $$ and spray my car?

what modern daily driver is going to go with a single stage

I am not saying anything about your situation, but if anything goes wrong with a paint job it almost always goes back on who ever pulled the trigger.


You never PMed me

blend a hood ?

if its rock chipped all across the front, and its got to be painted down the sides to match the fenders, that leaves like a 6th of the hood unpainted for blending

your better off painting the whole thing so its perfectly the same color / same amount of metallic / same coverage of sand scratches. blending color on a hood is an EXCELLENT way to have a customer come back pissed off because it looks like ass. Blending should be done on curves, so that the fresh paint and old paint have 2 totaly different reflections. this greatly helps to hide any miss match in the color.

especially black, its not like its a color thats $150 for just the pint of paint

i will, i have had a long day at work…

you know what I meant. there is no reason to take the hood off to paint it if the fenders are being painted too. better color match/metallic pattern if its on the car.(I forget what its called; the metallic flake direction. I do bodywork, not paint) idk anyone who would do it that way. plus you would have to mask the engine bay if you took the hood off.

no flake in my paint BTW

just jet black paint

so this wont be a bmw color then? regardless, its easier to paint on the car.

i took MANY hoods off at Schmitts, one reason being shop space, another being that it allows you to perfectly mask things off so that the new paint job ends INSIDE the jamb away from future. you also get 100% paint coverage well beyond whats visible when the car is assembled and the hood is closed.

I also always fulled masked any engine bay on a vehical that was getting a hood job, this kept all the filth that engine bays have in the engine bay and NOT in the paint.

hell, on soem customers cars we ran a new 12" strip of masking paper along the edge of a panel that just received it base coat, keeping any dust from the base from getting kicked up during clear coating.

Paint jobs i prepped didnt have problems, but oddly enough my one lazy coworker always had massive amounts of cut / buff time on cars he prepped / masked. guess which one coworker had 50% of all the immediate resprays we had to do too …

yea I guess you are right. I am looking at it from a production shop perspective, which is what I am used to.

but if you are doing a same color respray on the whole car I dont see the need to take the hood off. if it needs to be edged then edge it and put it back on the car. foam tape goes a long way. rarely will you paint a hood and not put any paint on the fenders…

I would…but I never really worry about having a good looking paint job on my cars. They always get wrecked and paint chipped anyways. If it was me, I wouldn’t even repaint the car.

I was talking more about quick-fix garage paint job(aka CHEAP) though. IMO, if you want it to look its best, you should pay a pro.


used fairings for a couple of bux ftw, unless its a custom paint job obv.

Well its hard to sift through this but if anyone is interested please pm me. I would like a hood and rear bumper repainted. Thanks :slight_smile:

i look at it from a “customer just bought a $40K 2 weeks ago and promptly ran it into a tree, and now is gonna blame the repair shop for anything they think is even slightly wrong w/ the repair work”

"my trunk doesnt line up liek it used to!
-bitch all we did is replace your FRONT BUMPER!
“well you must have done something to my trunk because im sure it latched better then that”


And race cars!!!

I painted my SpecE30 for less than $200…

Dude I have definitely been there. OR the lady who gets rear ended three times with the same car. ugh those are the worst.