Anybody want to save money on their Utility Bills?

did you get letters saying you changed over?
I got a letter from each saying my billing is changing blah blah theyre still sending me the bill starting next cycle blah blah blah.

I didn’t get any letters. Odd.
I don’t get electric bills I don’t think…I do auto pay for both.

I just tried a 2nd time and we’ll see.

I kind of feel bad for the kids they have pushing the energy sales. One of the energy direct dudes came to my door. I knew who is was right away. I said listen man, I’m not interested in switching my energy plan thanks.

He goes into this sales pitch, I said listen whatever it is, I don’t care and don’t want it. He then started getting rude, talking loudly “well I hope you like paying higher energy rates”. I told him yeah I do, and closed the door.

I almost thought of reporting the company to the town of west seneca. They shouldn’t be allowed to sell shit door to door. I bet they really get a ton of old people to sign up for their scam program.

^ yeah same thing here. I live in a neighborhood full of duplex’s, so it’s like 2 for 1 for these guys. They are usually here at least 2 times a year.

When I first moved in, I wasn’t home, but my roommate answered the door and talked to the girl. He told her that she should come back and talk to me because I was the one that took care of the bills.

She told him about the plan and had him sign a piece of paper, knowing he wasn’t the one on the bill. He told me that she stopped by and she was supposedly coming back to talk about the plan, in which case I would have told her no thanks.

A week later I get the change of utility company letter in the mail. I called national fuel quick and told them not to change anything.

WOW at the fraud! Damn.

Just a quick update to this thread for those living in Lockport (or maybe other areas of niagara county)…

I showed my girlfriend’s dad the amount that I was saving…

He signed up for it online, and checked gas and electric.

Apparently in lockport, NYSEG provides gas and electric on one bill.

So he got the switch letter for the electric portion of the bill. He got his first bill, and it was 22 dollars higher than usual.

He’s on this fucked up budget bill, and he said that he owed the company about 300 dollars in back-pay from last winter, and gave me the whole story.

Anyways, he calls up all pissed and canceled the service from ECNY, because they put a 22 dollar extra charge on his budget bill. He then called ECNY, and they said that they can not provide the natural gas to him, so he won’t save much or anything on the electric portion of the bill anyways.

His budget plan for NYSEG is $220 every month, so I have no idea what the fuck is he is doing. I do know they leave windows upstairs in the bathroom open year round, and crank the heat to 70 degrees.

My house is insulated, and comfortable at 65 degrees during the winter. We spent around $1100 last year in gas bills. The highest bill was $223.

I did the Energy Co-OP for gas only so far and I was on budget billing (National Fuel) and last year my budget bill was 140ish, it has since dropped down a bit and once the Co-OP changeover tool place it dropped down to 80ish range on budget.

I will do electric once I move to my new pad, wonder If I will have to redo gas once I move.

For those of you saying you’re not sure if you’re saving… it’s right there in the first post:

Savings for all of 09 so far, though last month was “only” 9.4% as opposed to the 20+% all the other months have been.

Bump…my switch finally went through and it knocked $12 a month off my budget plan amount :tup:

Really wishing they would update their site with the 2010 numbers.

My first bill said 22% savings for this month. Makes sense since the supply portion of my bill went from 55 with NFG to 43. (I keep my house super cold at night and during the workday to make up for my $170 electric bill)

Anybody notice that ECNY has been getting beat on price by the National Fuel Rate more and more?

Twice I paid 13 percent more than the standard NFG rate. I don’t mind paying the higher rate in the summer, I just hope that they don’t keep getting beat in the winter time…

I saw the same thing and called them, they really had no answer but promised it will be back in the 15-20% savings within a month or two…
She said it happens every year around this time, but 2009 rates were at a 20%+ savings this time last year. ECNY = not for profit??

Doesn’t that negate our savings? I’m on balanced billing so charging more than National Fuel for the summer months and less in the winter months would make no difference in average price. I would think the price then equals out. If so…what’s the point of them offering the program? Am I missing something or being thick headed?

The only reason there have been loses with ECNY has been due to a credit NFG has been passing thru to customers. It is due to an over-collection from the prior year and it equates to a credit of $0.13103/Ccf. This is a huge credit considering the actual market rates are only around $0.50-0.60. This credit will continue until they reset it after August 2010.

ECNY still has the lowest rates of any marketer in NFG territory. Effectively with this credit, NFG is able to provide rates below actual market costs. No supplier would be able to beat this price.

Over the summer, these losses really won’t have any effect on annual savings, since everyone’s usages are really low. I wouldn’t have quoted that the savings will go back up to 15-20% going forward since this is really unknown, but if the credit is eliminated as of September 2010, ECNY will begin to show positive savings again, just in time for next winter.

You need to be in the program for at least twelve months to realize the benefits.

Just an FYI, this year was the first year in at least four that NFG issued any sort of credit: You will see that ECNY has on average beat the utility in all of those years, which is what should happen. If the credit didn’t apply during this winter, ECNY would have beat the utilities price every month.

Below is the exact definition of the credit per NFG:

Adjustment of gas sold, pursuant to Interim Annual Surcharge
or Refund provision on General Information Leaf No. 81 of
P.S.C. No. 8 - Gas. Amount applicable during the period
February 1, 2010 through August 31, 2010 referable to gas
adjustment undercollection for the twelve months ending
August 31, 2010. (13.1030)

Anyone elses fuel bill on this plan almost double this month? WTF!
My bill went from $60 last month to $100 this month. I surely wasn’t using heat, wtf gives?

Its almost impossible to know why your bill would double from one month to the next without additional information. I can tell you that energy rates did not double, so it is not related to the Energy Cooperative.

Some quick questions to help me answer your initial question:

  1. Are you on budget billing, and did the utility just true-up your account?
  2. Have your bills been estimated for a few consecutive months, and your current bill is based on an actual reading (in other words, most of your bill is for prior months usage(s))?
  3. Did you check to see what your total billed usage was this month versus last?
  4. Is your current months bill an estimate? If so, there is a chance it is just a billing error by NFG.

You can always PM me your account number and I can look up your history online.

May: $28.12 for 21 CCF actual (previous was estimated)
June: $38.06 for 22 CCF estimated
July: $32.40 for 16 CCF actual

It’s a little more complicated than that though, since you’re paying ECNY for the gas and NFG for the delivery, as well as adjusting for each of the estimated bills.

21 ccf x 0.618571 12.99 + tax = $13.61
$23.73 in delivery charges from NFG
There was a $9.22 credit here, I’m guessing from an over-estimate from the prior month.

22 ccf x 0.610909 13.44 + tax = $14.08
$23.98 in delivery charges from NFG

16 ccf x 0.668125 10.69 + tax = $11.20
$21.20 in delivery charges from NFG

As you can see I don’t use much gas in the summer. Gas range, dryer, hot water heater but electric ovens and propane/charcoal grills.

NFG just posted their rates for September 2010 and as I thought, the Interim Annual Credit has been reset to zero. Based on the ECA rates for September, I am showing a 20.3% supply savings versus NFG for the month ($0.556921/Ccf versus $0.698353/Ccf).

As long as the surcharge/credit stays at zero, ECA should be showing some really nice savings again this winter. I’ll keep you guys updated if things change.

:tup: Thanks again for the help…if anyone is questioning the savings or asking “why did my bill double?” I’ve been on it for ~18 months and there are no gimmicks and there are definite savings. Even with that credit given to the NFG customers, over the past 12 months I’ve saved 3% or $40 vs NFG rates. When that credit wasn’t in place I was saving ~10%. I also saved ~4% or $30 with NYSEG through ECNY.

I questioned it too at first but have to say I’m 100% glad I signed up and will continue to support. So for the ones with the huge bill increases, check for extension cords to the neighbors or maybe the wife is taking 2 hour showers…