anyone a tech/or know 1 at a nissan dealership???

i want to get my timing advanced a few degrees, and get my idle lowered. if so, please let me know

i know someone at nissan

It’s pretty easy to do yourself. There has to be a DIY protocol on some Nissan sites. Why pay for it?

cool. can you let me know how much???

not for the qr25 engine, and i do not any type of laptop or a tuning device. the only way it is done on the sentra forums is through a dealer, or someone who has the program.

send me an email at work tomrrow. ill find out either how to do it or see if i can borrow the programmer.

pm’d email

thank you, i will.

will know something after lunch…

what’s the reason for the timing advance? i know they are going to be leary about doing it for liability reasons

…i know, most dealers are. for some reason, the qr25 always runs a little rich, and i have a safc-2, but i am waiting until my car is 100% done before i get it tuned. this is just to help it run a little better. most spec guys get their timing advanced when they remove their balance shafts, and since i just removed mine, i need to get it done.