anyone else getting some snow?

its pretty bad down here in springville…im just wondering how it is up in civilization…got like 6-7 inches so far since this morning…i guess we are supposed to have 2-3ft…

light sprinkle over night in OP, nothing right now just some wind

no snow in OP right now, if the lake effect band drifts north we will get some of it

Nothin right now it EA either. Its supposed to get interesting tho tonight

awesome, and im going to be out tonight. w00t! Drifto matic.

it stopped down here for now…we got about 10" and im headed back to civilization…i hate being down here at my moms…anyways…i hope we get shitloads of snow though

im in rochester/pittsford/victor area right now…not snowing here at all…a few snowflakes earlier…

headin back to the Buff tomorrow…is it getting worse?

not really… supposed to be like -4 windchill though.

Got about 2 inches this afternoon… nothing since. Just super icey out

got like maby 1/4 inch, just a super light dusting here in good’ol Akron

Nada in Nukka

What’s the update with people and snow? I’m here at work off of Boulevard somewhat in Amherst. No snow here. Anyone close to me getting snow? How about NT?

right now theres about a foot outside. >>Walden & Harlem<<

i hope my aunt gets home frome the hospital out there i dont wanna go get her

I was just told that the 290 isn’t plowed, around 6 on the thruway and cars and semi’s are sliding around a little. Stops at the 990 as of right now anyways.

EDIT It is just starting to snow here. 8:11pm. I guess Transit at the Eastern Hills Mall has about 7" of snow.

Anyone that lives in the hamburg area, I have a link to Hamburg fire dispatch so you can hear what roads are closed, accidents, bad roads, so on & so on.

Pm me and ill give it to those who are interested

That’s quite nice of you. I hear it’s getting hit hard there.

we just got owned in cheektowaga, about 8 inches right now… still snowing

Has anyone else been on the 290? I’m just curious if it’s any better.

theres like 3-4" in amherst (egertsville area) and the raods rnt plowed…just got back from doin some drifting and donuts in my beater