Anyone else grow a "winter beard?" v.New POLL

You totally want my cock don’t you. I don’t know any other guy that thinks about me as much as you do.

That was years ago. I’d show you some of the recent ones but there’s a bunch of people on here that know who the last ex was, and chances are it makes yours look like a fuckin dog. They can vouch but I have very little interest making you look more like a douche than you do to yourself. If they want, they can.

PS: I’m available Tuesday night if you really want to slobber the cock, lmk :wink:

the kid on the right in this pic really is ghey. but one time he did take on the wrecking ball :wink:

What line beard? Their isn’t even a line! :shrug:

LOL at the chinstraps in this thread:P

I wish I could let my shit get as grizzly as some of you guys in here

Here’s a kiss for all you faggots that care So much about me, and make it a point to check out other dudes with line beards.
(I have my shirt off because im going to the beach in a few minutes)

thats how long mine usually is<3

Who’s gonna grow one?,0.jpg

my shit grows in so WT its not even funny

but ill do it for the playoffs

whatsup joe dirt…

Woody’s beard comes in patchy as hell…it looks like he gets mad and pulls patches of it out…

hahahahahaa… i cant grow one (a good one) and work probably wouldnt like it if it looked unkept

i also have lots of GRAY/WHITE in mine


you’ll hurt its ego and it’ll stop filling in…

woody dont worry it will grow

No…no it won’t.

Woodrow is destined to be homeless…with a hobo cup…with a big cardboard sign that says “Will dance for 300zx performance parts”


I tried this but I look like I havent gone through puberty so I cant grow a beard at 23. I get it by the side burns and chin and upper lip but the rest is spaces.

Upper lip = 70’s style moustache…

chin + sideburns = dudebro chin strap…

do it :slight_smile:

i wish i could grow something on the upper lip :gotme:

herpes not good enough?

James Hyneman, eat your heart out.