Anyone else grow a "winter beard?" v.New POLL

i have one

OMG you drive past my apartment all the time…

You never wave back though :frowning:

i never see you, come run outside and jump in front of my car next time

ya and grizzly adams had a beard…

grizzly adams did have a beard…

I would love to grow a beard. Unfortunately every time I try, it looks like I glued pubes to my face. It’s bad news.

currently rocking dudebro chinstrap


I say we start … and post weekly pics ??

Well…mine won’t get out of hand because of work…but i’ll post some once it gets nice and scruffy

thats what i was thinking …

But for losers like me who dont have a dress code … or any kind of facial hair requirement … im all set …

im always rocking a beard cause im way too lazy to shave.

LOL @ ill just keep my mustache dawn style

ive had a pretty grizzly beard untill i shaved it and just left it as a massive goatee. I guess i could let it go for winter…

I’ve tried a few times, but can’t get past 3 or 4 days. It itches too much :tdown:

dumbass your supposed to wipe afterwards…

ohh wait, wrong thread.

Gsx (justin) aka yukon cornelis ,had a pretty bad ass “season” beard for the redwings last year.
Winter beards are great esp. if you like to squirrel away food.

mmmm…beard food…

my red beard is in full force.:slight_smile:

i have a beard. actually i have a sexy chinstrap but it will be a full beard by friday night i predict. playoff beard for football season til the end of hockey season, then until the end of baseball season

I haven’t shaved in almost 2 months

I really need to get around to doing that

Just took this pic. Coming in a bit burly though.

definitely gonna be cutting off the goatee and letting the beard grow out within a month or so. depends on when the weather starts getting really cold. <3 my beard in the winter