Anyone else grow a "winter beard?" v.New POLL

mine looks pretty nasty (in a bad way) when i let it grow… im in the 22 but can’t grow one crew. hell, i don’t think my dad can grow a full beard

i feel sorry for people who cant grow beards lol. ive been able to grow mine since i was 16 or so. my two best friends are both older than me (ones turning 24 soon, the other is 23) and they still cant grow em.

if i could grow a good one i wouldn’t want to anyway :lol:

so please, don’t feel sorry :wink:

How about a shave…

I cut mine down before it becomes a life threat.

I wish I could grow a solid beard. I am all that is not man. :cry:

isn’t this a repost?

It’s unfortunate how many people can’t rock a grizzly adams beard… i try to make mine awesome but it just doesn’t work…

…doesn’t mean i’m giving up though

i won’t let him. he tries to yell and scream across the complex but he’s going to make nana mad if he keeps it up.

i am only allowed to grow a mustache as per work regulations. i tried to let it grow for 8 days and my girlfriend couldn’t even tell. i gave up.

i cant grow facial hair yet :frowning: but i do grow neck hair! maybe ill grow one like a lion . rawrrrrrrr my sideburns come in pretty bad ass and even better i have gingervitis

what are you a cop?

my beard is year round bitches


someday…when you get to be a real person again…you can grow a beard…

The moment I got done with my 6 years in the military I didn’t shave for months.

It was great.


I currently have a small one brewing…

sorry man… but that just looks like an untrimmed vagina to me…

lol nice lipstick too

Thanks for saying it so I didn’t have to AFHockey

:lol::lol::lol: both those made me burst out laughing.


i just shaved today for the first time in 2 weeks…i couldn’t take it any more.

this sounds all too familiar :frowning: