Anyone Else Know About This?

Not the event but the fact that there is a clock, etc…

Ya, you never heard about it before?

The history channel has a show about Armageddon or nuclear weapons or something and they talk about it.

I didnt know about it. Kinda seems dumb to me. “OH NOES! Its 2 minutes to midnight! The world is gonna end!!!”

same here… I think its kind of dumb, but I guess its a good way to show the tension between the powers of the world. Which, being that its 2007, I still don’t know why we can’t move towards complete world peace. I think we’re going to realize that a collaborative effort is needed to save all man kind, and we needed that effort to start 10 years ago, which on the way to that 10 years ago we needed world peace to bury the problems we have between religion and political beliefs. (big run on sentence, I know)

Cliff notes: We’re FUCKED!

Another side thought: I also think shit like this focuses too much on DOOMSDAY!@#!@#!%$!@# put this in peoples minds and they care to much about it. If no one knew how close we are to complete eradication, then stress would be lower and quality of life would increase…


Cliff notes 2: We’re FUCKED AGAIN!

Ignorant comment: … (nevermind)

I think it’s a smart thing because it gives leaders, scientists and all other related parties a reminder of the dangers of such things. Nothing is scarier than a mentally unstable person with a nuke. Thankfully none can reach US native soil but it’s still something to keep in the back of your mind.



From an ICBM is what I am speaking of.

I guess I’m still confused. Plenty of ICBMs could reach the US. Our missile defense systems are unreliable at best, and those were on tests with just one target.

Only N korea only has the range to hit hawaii or california and really do either of those matter :wink:

In theory they do, they have not successfully tested an ICBM to reach that far.

I would doubt that north korea has the ability to hit anything at long range with any accuracy.

Plenty of other countries with developed nuclear programs have ICBMs that can easily reach the US. However, a war involving their use is very unlikely. What we need to worry about is a nuke or two in a suitcase that finds its way into a major metropolitan area.

Cuba is/was the only one that comes to mind. Russia has probably sold or dismantled anything with US cooperation that can strike US soil. Is there a chance one or two could have gotten out/sold before that happen, sure. I highly doubt there is anyone out there who has developed a rocket to strike US soil.

Look at all the conflicts the USA has been involved in the past century.4 major wars and a few other conflicts.In this era all you have to do is push a button,seems unavoidable.

umm hawaii… is probably the biggest assest the US has for any war in the pacific

Two minutes to midnight…

This has been around forever. That is where Iron Maiden got the inspiration for that song…aside from that now its plastered on express shirts :stuck_out_tongue: 99% of the kids that wear it don’t know what it means.

And what jeeves said

except for the fact that if you push the button, someone else will also. So the fact that you will also be destroyed is what stops people from pressing it.


major shipping harbors where only 1 out of 100 crates are inspected also comes to mind

What if we press many many buttons really really quickly? Or like the gizmoduck suit… press all of the buttons at once? :slight_smile: