Anyone ever deal with

Anyone ever deal with I am looking for a couple of guns and its always fun to look around on there. I am just curious as to what exactly is legal about going to pick up a gun from some dude with out running a background check.

I assume the only way to do it legal is go to the persons house, then go to a gun shop and have them run the background check on you. Correct?

In NY long guns do not have to be registered to you but how do you pick up long gun with out the federal background check?

When you go to gun shows in certain states…you just buy the gun and walk out…no background check. it’s some sort of loop hole

also, for example…the other day, I bought my buddies kimber 1911 off him… gave him the $ and he gave me the gun…no need to re register etc etc

Yup come to the south… its the wild west out here :wink:

You do not need to do a background check, you can buy from an individual and just take it home. Unless it is a pistol where you need to get the permit office involved before taking possession but still no nics check.

you can buy face to face no problem, but if you go through an FFL you are a bit more protected as they can run a check to see if the gun is stolen.

Also keep an eye out for the ridiculous amount of illegal guns for sale on there.

before you take possession of a pistol, you are supposed to update your pistol permit. the new pistol must be on the permit. By chance you got pulled over and it was checked. You more than likely would lose your pistol permit

He’s not in NY, and he is the law.

I’ve done a bit of trading on and I’ve never had a problem. I usually take a picture of their drivers license for a false sense of security if anything were to happen. I always make sure to meet in public and carry a loaded gun in case it is some sort of set up…but that is what I do everyday so its nbd.

^agree with “tex” … I bought my PM40 off armslist, met at a bank parking lot, smooth transaction, took a picture of his license and even signed a bill of sale.

I’m shocked sellers are willing to give out a picture of their driver’s license. Huge risk to them for identity theft there.