anyone ever had fluid drained from their knee?

i have the ibuprofen 800’s from when i broke my nose in the army, but i sure could go for some lortabs. i hope everything works out with your drainage, i hate needles, so if have to go through that shit, they better give me some gas and knock me out cold.

haha yeah i hear its painful. I’ll make sure i smoke some good shit before i get it done. lol

lol no comment,:pimp::burnin::snky:

haha yeah. Its a must.

Damn… it took me half hour to get in the damn tub. :frowning: FUC*ING BLOWS.
oohh and i took more pics. haha

I forgot to tell ya… You might also want to pick up a knee imobilizer/brace thingy. IM using one and works awesome.

Get well

got water on the knee? OPERATION! im the doctor for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

im sorry, i used to hate that game when i was younger the oise scared the shit out of me. but not as much as that poor fellows big red nose.

lmao :pimp:

I’ve had liquid drained from my knee 3 times.

1st time overshot a table top snowboarding and landed on my knee, bruised up instantly and looked like and felt like shit. Drained the next day and it was like new.

2nd time, was warming up for a soccer game, took a shot and the goalie stepped on my foot, hit knee to knee and I turned my knee cap spun around to the back dislocating it. Doc popped it in and I had 2 return visits to get it drained. Yum.

It def has an initial weird feeling, but then when it gets drained mmm everything just feels great.

Hows your knee?

Mine is still fu**ed up. Went on the 19th to see doc. and gave me an option to either physical therapy or surgery, so now im on physical therapy for 6 weeks and if it doesnt get better by then… im getting surgery

fuck. my wife is still recovering / rehabbing a torn miniscus & small PCL tear… for the last 3 months.

Range of motion is very slowly getting better, but the pain is pretty constant still.

Another few weeks before another MRI appt… pedning the outcome of the pics, she’ll be in for orthroscopic surgery, supposedly.

I don’t see why they couldn’t have just went in two months ago after initial phys therapy.


it was nothing major, the swelling went back down within a few days, still bothers me every now and then. my friend did mess his knee up though, tore his acl, and also needs surgery. makes me feel lucky i didnt have to deal with all that bs. its crazy though, iv only ever broken one bone in my whole body, my nose. iv done some pretty crazy shit, crashed my civic with no seatbelt or airbag and walked away unharmed. im pretty sure someones lookin out for me, cuz its pretty unexplainable.

Yep been there. Ripped my ACL clean in half and they drained it to see if it was blood or not and that would make the next move which was MRI, diagnosis, few years wait so I could grow (growth plate was in the way of the surgery) then the orthoscopic work. Fucking sucked but the drain is stupid quick. Big needle, in/suck/out and don’t hurt a bit.

reading this makes me wanna:barf:
i have popped my acl a few times streatching it out and making it hard to walk on for a few days. then over extendin my knee in my sleep and not being able to walk for 3-4 days. i hate admitting when somethings wrong so i ignore this.
grahme and cooley saw me wipe out in the junkyard when my knee gave out on ice just walking it slipped outta joint.

yeah, but he’s an idiot. he was drunk and fell down so i have little to no sympathy for him.

you are too much.