Anyone ever heard of/used this traction shit?

Yeh well I own a honda and traction is a problem. Found this stuff and wondering if anyone had some expirence with it.

i have VHT track bite nagra.

Try it out and see what happens

yeh but i always thought that shit was for prepping the road/track not putting on the tires

i have a jug of VHT Trackbite. $25 brand new

You dont soak the tires with that

convert it to rwd like an ex-fwd buddy you might know.

test it out dude, sounds interesting lol

I just bought it, well see next weeked.

damn your like my own personal tester lol

you think this is fake?

For 40$ can be either big win or big bullshit. Ill spend the 40$ for better 60 foots.

I usually apply a few coats to my penis prior to intercourse

Intense ribbed condoms aint got shit on yoo dickkk

Most people like it slick… I prefer to hook and go

Ni99a gives dem bitches a frontal pink sock

Hope this shit works well, worth a try for 40 dollars.

You said shit on your dick :rofl

maybe i should pour some of this down the inspection hole to let the clutch disk marinade lol

o rly?

PJ1 TRACKBITE COMPOUND is a custom formulated resin that provides controlled traction for competition racing. PJ1 TRACKBITE is a liquid track and tire treatment, which improves traction on asphalt and concrete surfaces. It achieves added traction by means of adhesion and does not soften tires. It will not harm asphalt and concrete and is biodegradable when dry. PJ1 TRACKBITE can be applied with a roller, brush or can be sprayed directly on the tire or track