anyone ever race a porsche?

my dad used to race p cars but it was legit racing on real tracks

Were you dropped on your head as a child? Seriously, every post you make is completely off topic, or maybe you parents should’ve realized a diet of purely hot dogs is not healthy for a child with disabilities.

“anyone ever race a porsche?”

Yes, but I was driving the Porsche.:slight_smile:

lol. who the fuck are you? aren’t you a little green to be making fun of members already? if you were around a little longer you would know that was barely off topic for mr. sahlen


Bro, my best friend is a talking moose yet he speaks more coherently than that idiot, excuse me for pointing out the obvious.

Green here, sure, but I did have an account on ubrf as well.

Rofl to everything up to this point. I think with internet trash talk- post count really couldn’t mean much less. m2c

On a side note I have run a black hardtop porsche(pretty sure it was a carrera 4s) up to 110(ran up on traffic). Gave a honk, a finger point, a 2 honk signal at the toll booths one afternoon. Im not sure if he knew how to drive it but I got the jump, and slowly pulled away he was about a car or car 1/2 behind me.

I think he was surprised, he pulled up and we gave a thumbs, small talk compliments on each others cars for a sec, a wave and off we went.

what a deliciously perfect post.


you are my favorite quasi noob by far.

humor? check
sweet jpg? check
clever criticism deflection? check!



i like swedishchef