Anyone ever taken apart Silvia tri projectors?

Just curious.

I’m trying to get all the broken glass out of one. I can pick and scrape it all out, but it’ll take hours. Then I have to do another non-broken one.

Anybody know any tricks? I thought I’d heat it up, but I don’t want to melt the housing (it’s plastic).

The damn glass is held in with I think windshield urethane.

The glass slices through even my leather welding gloves, so … the less “Just grab and pull” ideas the better. Heh, tried that already.

DO NOT hit it against a dumpster.

i say we just heat it up dude, less (or no) flying glass shards :wink:

cover the glass in duct tape then smash… tape will hold the shards

I’m not sure if its close to being the same but when I was blacking out the inside of an is300’s headlights we stuck it in the oven for like 20mins so the sealant would loosen enough to take it apart. The plastic casing was perfectly fine.


what temperature?

i believe this is the practiced method for removing headlights in general.

i’ve heard preheat the oven to around 250F and then shut it off

then stick em in there for 10-15min or so

can you make a cake while you’re at it too?


get off the stage

remember last year on sequence garage when everyone exchanged recepies…

that’s what this reminds me of.

badah badah badah badah naaaaaaa HEY! :cheers:

badah badah badah badah naaaaaaa HEY! :cheers:

badah badah badah badah naaaaaaa HEY! :cheers:


nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nanaaaa :batman: … :batman:

Remember when every thread on SON went off topic during christmas…I do.

you guys remember that fat kid who ate smarties on stage ?

i gotta take a piss real bad
