Hi this is not exactly 240 specific, but a car question in general. On my car (s2k) when i try to take the rear lens off the light, i can’t do it because there’s silicone in the middle. On various s2k forums i found threads explaining to bake the lights. So knowing the dyi level on this site, anyone have suggestions on how long and how hot i should keep the oven, (i’ll obviously be checking it the entire time), and any idea on how to seal it back properly after im done. I have no experince with silicone adhesives.
use a heat gun or a blow dryer…or take off the old silcone and put a fresh bit on there and she will seal right up.
dont put it in the oven dude… plastic melts HAHA ur lens is gonna deform even before the silcone even feels some heat.
obviously plastic melts…but given the right tempreture and time, isn’t it doable to melt the silicone before the plastic?..i’ll try it with the hair dryer then…just wondering because, i know people put lights in the oven and the silicone melts before the oven.
PS. Will any silicone adhesive from homedepot or cantire do, or there’s some special ones?
I’d be pretty worried if my oven melted.
And I think people do that with glass housings, not plastic ones.
Either way, it won’t hurt to play it safe and go w/ a hair dryer or heat gun.