Sealant??? (blacked out headlights help)

First time doing the blacked-out headlight thing. The lenses came off with a heat-gun… but what do you guys use/recommend for re-sealing (that’s generally available to the public)?

silly cone.

Ok, I’ll give that a shot.

2nd, will regular spray-paint work or is high temp. stuff needed?

Marine-grade silicone works good to seal, and you can disassemble later on. Stay away from anything with polysulfides in it, as it’ll eat up that plastic faster than Tinay and cookies

Being able to see at night is over rated I guess.


Nightshading or VHTing and blacking out are wayyyy different. One being retarded and dangerous

Isn’t this usually done with a translucent film or plastic cover? Not spray paint?


I’m painting some interior surfaces black… relax guys i’m not tinting the lens. Taking the housing apart to do so would be a waste of effort anyhow.

here’s what i’m aiming for… the matte black comes silver stock.

Automotive GOOP worked wonderfully when I used it for re-sealing lights

FTW! I used that stuff on my headlights when I blacked them out and I haven’t had a problem since

sweet - any special paint???

I used that when I made my clear corners going on like 10 years ago… no problems, and has held up great. But I think I used their general Adhesive, not sealant.

I did use a bead of RTV around the edges to add some extra sealent because the clear plastic didn’t match up perfectly to the housings. I used the GOOP for adhesive, and RTV to seal the edges.

as far as paint I think I just used whatever rattle can I found in my garage, I suggest something with not too much gloss in it, but its all personal preference I guess

I picked up some matte or satin black, then my roommate reminded me that the bulbs get pretty hot. I bet regular paint will do just fine though.

low gloss black engine paint would work well and it looks good