Anyone have a snap off wheel?

I’m considering getting a Tekniq snap off steering wheels system, but it’s really pricey compared to eBay (isn’t everything.) Has anyone bought/used either?

Did you find you actually got in the habit of removing the wheel? I guss the benefit of the Tekniq system is that you get a key and each one is made with a different pattern, so you cant just go put on another persons steering wheel. The ones I have seen on eBay mention nothing about a key and they are probably all made with the same pattern. I guess someone breaking into your car and having a steering wheel with an identical hub adapter in their back pocket is unlikely…

I already have the wheel and hub but am needing help justifying the $140 for the snap off mechanism.

BTW Tekniq is just wrapping up their 20% off sale…

I had one on my old S13 that Louis owns, now. I took it off every time I left the car, it takes about a second to whip off and throw under the seat… quick and easy. As far as the snap-off system itself… you’ve got pretty much got all your questions answered. It snaps off quickly and easily, the locks are unique… not much else to say about it.

The wheel I had was smaller diameter, which exaggerated every little movement of the front wheels and suspension, which ultimately makes you feel like your hands are right on the damn wheels. It’s great for that “feel” for what the car is doing. On top of that, the hub and snap-off system extend the column fairly far out, so the steering wheel is a few inches closer to you.

All in all, I think it was one of the most worthwhile additions I made to the car. But again, that was the jump from stock steering to the new wheel, hub, and snap-off system… the hub and wheel contributing 90% of the “feel” upgrade (which you’ve already got). The snap-off alone was nice for anti-theft… I definitely slept easier at night :slight_smile:

  • Mike

I put a Grant steering on my car last night, for sure feel a difference. I think the hub is a good idea if you don’t have an alarm and/or tinted windows. Dave in your case they have another challenge of getting into the doors.

SO is this like a wheel hub too or do you still need to purchase one?

It’s an add on to a wheel hub, you will still need to buy one. We also sell wheel hubs. Sorry guys I havn’t got around to adding any Nissan stuff to the website but it’s coming.

Hmm… I was also thinking of the Tekniq system last spring but never got around to doing anything about it. I know Aaron has it in his car, I PM’d him a while ago and he had good things to say about it.

One question though, do these hubs work with the HICAS system? The HICAS hub is supposed to have a hole(s) in it for the sensor. Also, are most Nissan hubs the same size? I doubt they make anything Skyline-specific, so I’m kinda hoping the 240 one will fit.

Me too. :slight_smile: I bring this thing with me everywhere.

There is a safety issue also. The ones that don’t use a key aren’t as safe as the Tekniq one, since you need to put the key in the hole to get the wheel off and since your key is probably on the key chain, you can’t take it off with the car running.

One thing that is a pain in the ass though, because I live in a condo, is that I sometimes forget the wheel at home when I leave then I have to run back up and grab it.