best steering wheel quick release?

i want to add a quick release for added safety and also because i want to move the steering wheel a little closer so that my knees have more clearance…

anyways, i don’t want no cheapo one that i will fumble around with to get on and off the hub…i want something that will take fractions of seconds to put on and off the hub…what’s the best one?

i have a megan one no problems at all with it

I’m partial to the Snap-Off Brand.

frig, i cant remember mine, i think your best bet if its a street car is to get one with a lock on it.

Tekniq auto snap-off system “race” version…no keys :smiley: or F.E.T quick release hub which i think NRG copied.



Or this>> its not quick release but it tilts up

Works Bell Rapfix GTC

I run a tekniq on my 240 and an NRG on my Honda.

I prefer the Tekniq, hands down. The system is better and its more snug. I really like that you need a key to take the wheel off.

The NRG is good but as always you pay for what you get hence why you can tell its not as good as the real thing -WORKS

I assume both the NRG and the Tekniq have proper signal canceling features and horn outputs?

Those maybe stupid questions but I don’t know jack about quick release hubs!

The turn signal cancel is built into the hub not QR, but all QR’s should have proper horn hookups.

I forget the make of my qr but it uses ball bearings, and theres no play in it, im happy with it.

Are these not quick release hubs? As in both the hub and the quick release is one unit?

Nope, it’s just the quick release unit for most of them.

the hub needs to be bought seperately.

i used to own a tekniq and it was awesome.

only reason why i sold it is because i had a nardi deep corn with a negative offset which made the wheel too close for my liking.

next i’m going to try is the FET system.

looks nice and slim.

ps: although the QR may be slim, you have to also find a matching SLIM HUB

Quick release hubs are for ballers with nice steering wheels,if you have a shitty steering wheel, don’t bother getting one. You’d just look like a poser.

get a sparco wheel and chince on the hub… thats what id do… but it would kinda suck to get ur car broken into for the sole purpose of someone jackin ur wheel.

Hahaha thats awesome. The only reason I have them is it makes me sleeper easier at night knowing someone cant drive off with my car, they have to tow it. Just another security measure.


i would run one simply for the added security and for no other reason to be honest

im not a huge guy tho, so i dont have problems getting in and out of cars with oem seats or racing buckets, which is another reason to buy one

My reason for even considering it is because from what I understand it will bring the wheel closer to my body then stock.

So in the above pic, I’m lost. Which part goes on the wheel and which part on the car?

the red piece attached to the hub, and the other to the wheel.
i prefer the tekniq snap-off system “race” version because its easier to take off :smiley: and it’s a snug fit

Yeah, there is zero play in the snap off hub and you cant put it on wrong. It’s hard for me to get in and out of my track car without one so it’s more of a convenience thing for me.

i believe you’re wrong.

someone with an allen key and some simple tools could just take off your old hub, and put on their own with their own wheel and drive off.

yes it takes MUCH more time, but still doable.

Yeah, however, that person would have to have a nissan hub / 240sx steering wheel. And in general, I think that removing your steering wheel would definitely help detour people who want to steal your car.

But as anyone knows, if someone really WANTS to steal your car, they will get it. it doesn’t matter if you have a crazy alarm. Just better hope that you have lojack or something.