Anyone have/Had sunmark and get the CC stolen?

So, for the first time ever I apparently got my CC number stolen. I am just thankful all my bills went through today.

I get a phone call from Visa fraud protection that my card had a charge for a good chunk of change…

Card got cancelled and theres hardly a fucking dime in my bank account…

Never had to do this before, kind of freaking the fuck out that sunmark is going to jerk me around…

They said the site was or some shit, and when I go there it goes to some istudio website thats in half japanese

They will cover it, happens all the time. Happened to my citizens business account z

IDK wtf happend…

Never happened before, havent bought anything online in a few weeks until today, paid my bills and ordered a bday present for the woman off amazon…

Fucking aggravating.

Me and the women went up to lake placid a few months ago for a day trip. A few days later she had her CC numbers stolen(she has sunmark). They put the money back within a few business days. Then I checked my Paypal account the next day and had my CC number stolen as well. PayPal was a fucking bitch to work with. Talked to some fucks in India that took over 2 weeks to get my money put back.

this happened to me before too. not with sunmark though. it was a trustco card
had about $2k wiped out of my account. but the bank had me covered and transferred the money to a new account. then a few weeks later i got a new debit card because the magnet strip was compromised somehow from the one they just replaced.

Sunmark is great and will cover it. My business accounts are through them.

Those guys call me damn near every time I place a huge order for supplies like carbon. It’s a routine but I’m glad they do it.

nothing you could do to stop it from happening…

These fuckers get numbers some way.

It’s called skimming. Someone swipes your card for you behind the counter, but also runs it through a small 2 track mag strip reader. They save the bin dump and either write it to a new card, or just extract the data and go on their way.

I was half expecting a phone call today, I think there was a bit over 900 bucks in transactions today with my card from a few bills and a bday present. But when I heard this one transaction I was like uhhhh that aint right I know I dident spedn that much LOL

If I was buying farmville points from some BS 3rd world country gaming website or something, or getting a 2 month supply of Extenze id say I had it comming but ive ordered tens of thousands of dollars worth of shit online. I litterally use my card for everything, i seldom use cash and ive never had a problem…

Never really go anywhere anymore where im not the one swiping the card from a front counter terminal… so not sure where that could have happened.

Depending on how new and the maker of the CC they are enabled with an RFID chip in them, which can be read from distance with an RFID reader. Unless you keep it in a RFID safe pouch there is nothing you can do to keep someone from basically walking by you with a scanner and stealing the info.

I have had my actual credit card number stolen twice, same card that’s through Bank of America. I must be on their watch list because whatever I buy with that card, literally in 5 minutes the phone rings from their fraud department wanting to know if its me.

Like everyone else said, the money should be replaced in your account.

Mine was taken once. They bought an ipad on an Australian auction site :facepalm I have a shitty bank, but they replaced it as soon as I signed a paper that it was fraudulent charges. It was the Transformers Fanclub site that leaked it, because their server security was shit, I was one of many.



I’ve had my AE card number stolen twice. Log on to your account and check your spending often; In addition, check your profile and all your contact info on the card. When they hack into your account the first thing they usually do is to change your contact info.