anyone have pics of the point of no return sign at the falls?

Yeah i dont RIDE with anyone, reason being im on the ROAD every day.

The people on the boats obviously drive on the road unless they live in thier boat and people bring them supplys.

:fail: again.

:picard: you people can’t even defend yourselves when being called out.



Ugh, you make life seem meaningless with your banter and incomprehensible language.

don’t forget POOR.

On a side note, has anyone been to Goat Island? How is it? Is it free to walk around and such? I’ve heard there is trails and you can get really close to the water and falls on there.

What about the Cave of the Winds? How is that experience? Is it free or no?

Goat Island is kinda cool, lots of tourists tho, and the the cave of the winds is pretty damn sweet, your literally under the falls.

Free? Been the the falls a few times but never been on this island and done any of that stuff. Just curious if its something to visit or if its a tourist tour that you pay for.

Cave of the winds is pretty cool. It’s $10/adult.

Pick a warm day and wait for the river temps to come up some though.

i think walking across the bridge to goat island is free, tho i haven’t been to the falls in a few years, i remember walking down to the waters edge and basically standing next to the rapids, it was really neat

Thanks for the site. Good thinkin on the river temp. Might not be the best idea to go stand at the base of the falls with 50 degree water ripping over it.

might go check that out. im off friday so might do something outside with the girlfriend so thanks for the info.

no problem bro

Found this (and no, I have no idea who the people are):

eh cave of the winds…bleh…

do downstream some and see the real action

:word: if you go all the way to the end of the island thats where the overhang is where you’re actually hanging out over the falls

iirc the upstream most point of the island is where the point of no return sign is

and yes it’s free to cross over to the island and walk around