anyone have this problem?

ok so every time i push my clutch to the floor on my s14 it makes a cracking sound, sounds very bad and also you can feel the cracking or whatever it is feel’s very bad when pushing the clutch. like ill push it down and just before i reach the as far as it will go it makes that knocking-cracking feel. anyone know what this could be?

yeah , the last time I heard that noise, my clutch pedal broke a couple of days later leaving me stranded at a intersection.
Check the spot weld on the clutch assembly just to be safe.

Also try to use a WD40 on the whole assembly, the large spring on the inner side of the pedal can be noisy at times.

Yea my clutch pedal bracket broke on me as well, I drilled some holes threw some screws and it’s been fine since. But from the sound your describing it could be a lot of things. Ask someone to push the pedal in and find out where the sound is coming from.