Anyone have Verizon Fios??????

Upload speed for consumer use is intentionally set lower, keeps people from running home servers on the cheap and P2P, spend twicce as much for Business class service get half the DL speed but more upload :rofl

yea it fuckin sucks. I pay a shit-ton for 10mbps service at my store. :frowning:

It’s funny reading these statements about TWC. I work for MH Cable in Columbia and Greene counties. And people complain about us, and all of your complaints are identical to yours. I honestly don’t think you can make anybody happy sometimes.

And as a heads up, we’re not building coax anymore. Everything new is straight fiber. We’ve deployed IPTV in a few spots as well.

As far as prices, I think basic high speed through us is 5mb/384k for $50 a month roughly. And we have double and triple speed packages for $5 and $10 more a month respectively.

But I know the fiber minimum service is 10mb/2mb and the same price as our low coax high speed cost.

Also, for those of you in Albany, can’t you get a T3 from Level 3 or Tech Valley? I know there is a company in Rochester that offers T3’s. Of course there is always OC3’s and OC12’s from Level 3. But I’m sure none of you have that coin unless you’re looking to start your own ISP.