Anyone having fuel pump failures?

I’ve had 2 in the last 2 weeks…wtf. Both mechanical pumps. The first was on the FE 360 in my '70 F-350. I started the truck and was just about to move out of the driveway when it quit. The pump just plain died. Then just this past Tuesday, we left the supercruise at the fair with the '50 Dodge truck. We made it around the corner toward McKinley and that was all she wrote. Fuel pump on the old flathead failboated. It was after midnight by the time we were done fucking around with getting the trailer and loading/unloading/etc. In all my past experience I’ve NEVER had a mechanical fuel pump just stop working. Usually the diaphragm leaks fuel into the crankcase or you’ll have a high rpm fuel starvation issue. Wtf. I’m wondering if it has something to do with the gas we’re getting. Anyone else having issues?

I didn’t have a fuel pump failure but my girlfriends saturn has the FPR built into the fuel filter and that gave up the ghost only 2 months after changing it. Only gm puts a FPR into a fucking filter, 60 bucks later and the car is running fine.

the fpr on saturns go bad all the time.

Can you disassemble it to see the cause of failure?

The checkvalve on both of them seized. Maybe it’s time to start running marvel mystery oil in the fuel

My buddy just got his truck out for the summer and his in-tank seized up about 3 miles down the road… he babied it to the house on the in-line “booster” pump… so it is happening.

While true the first one lasted close to 130,000 miles and the second one lasted whatever she drove in 2.5 months. It’s still retarded that the filter and the fpr are one unit, and is probably related to why they fail all the time.

my subaru has 213,XXX, Still chuggin