Me = Stupid, ran otta gass, now i blow fuses what's the deal

Yeah, basically i bought the car with it on gas light i thought it had more left in it but i suppose i was very wrong… i pulled it outta my drive way made it a few houses down, and it sputtered to a stop… found out i cooked the fuel pump fuse, replaced it now it pops continueously, my thoguths is a gummed up the fuel filter, is that likely? or is it more serious … your thoguhts?

i seriously need the car moving, lol i cna’t even try and drive my normal car lol

After reviewing the fuel system in the FSM there are really only 2 things that it could be 1. check the wiring for continuity and make sure you have not causes a short somewhere if thats not it. 2. You have prolly killed the fule pump by running it dry since its like any electical liqued pump running it dry will kill it very quickly.

edit it most likly has nothing to do with your fule filter that would not blow the fuse it would just cause the engine to not run proper most guys never change their filters like they are supposed to (once every 10-15,000KM)

Get another fuel pump. The same thing happened to me. One the wires on the fuel pump probably got corroded and fell off.

your not understanding what i wrote lol, the pump works it jsut blows a fuse in a minute of running lol… now as for the fuel filter the reason is suspect that is the problem, is that at the bottom of the tank it’s all gunge i suspect it plugged up the filter, or possibly the sock and this puts exsseive stress on the pump overloading it lol, when that happens the pump requires more juice. .and pop goes the fuse

i have seen this happen on cars before where the filte is too crudded up…

well the fuel filter sits in the engine bay unless you mean the little bag that is on the pump.

when you run it down to the sedament (sp?) left in the tank, it cooks your fuel pump, so it’s trying to work harder, which is why it’s blowing fuses. happened to a buddy of mine. Every time he came on to it, the car would die, fuse would be toast.

you’re going to have to replace the pump.

yeah ur right, i got it moving again with the filter, but now it’s limp and it blows out all the time lol