Need Help!

I got a problem with my 91 240sx (coupe).

Car starts and runs for 5 minutes and then stalls out. I checked the fuses and it keeps blowing my 15 amp Fuel Pump fuse.

Any suggestions on why it keeps blowing the fuse?



check the wiring on the sending unit.

i say check the ground going to the pump

Too much current draw from the fuel pump, or corroded wiring harness is pretty common. (+1 Fastback240)

happened to me in my coupe as well. ended up being the sending unit connections on the top. +2 for sending unit. I drilled a hole in the top of the sending unit and ran the wires through that then sealed it up with rtv.

i say check the wire for the ground for the fuel pump inside the sending unit

post whore.

Cool! Thanks guys! I had i feeling it was the sending unit. I’ll check the sending unit tomorrow.