Anyone here a musician?

I’m sure there’s a lot of guys on here that play a sick skin flute.

guitar and vocals. sometimes I get drunk at my buddies shows and sing(standing8count), wailing away to killswitch or tool.

i can play the valve trombone and the euphonium… and i sang all throughout school


I play a little accoustic guitar and drums. I sold my drum set a few years ago, so I’m way out of practice, but can still hold a beat :slight_smile: I would like to get my hands on a nice electronic drum set one of these days when I’m done with my expensive projects.
I have two OK accoustic guitars; Washburn and a Takamine. I would also like to get a decent electric and amp. Was thinking about doing lessons one of these days, but no time right now.

In case you were confused, its also known as the meat flute. :lol

yea, im a guitar player. heres a pic from troy riverfront last month . I play with the Outta hand band right now, they have a new lineup now, all i do is play solos, get feedback and bash my amp up lol.

Used to play guitar and violin. :gay Still play piano.

Also sample and make my own beats on Ableton Live cause it’s the shit. :nod

I have this guy and its pretty affordable and really does play on par with a les paul that costs much much more. My actual musician friends can’t believe how nice it plays.


lets hear yours first ;D

ok i’ll add u on msn

Shit this is america

I mean AIM

I can read music and play piano slowly but surely, and I’m just picking up an acoustic guitar and have my friends teach me and self learn through the good ol’ interweb.

Guitar is easy in theory, easy in reading, hard in playing cords :wow

including yourself :rofl

ha owned

To the OP. Yes I am a musician lol. I might need drums in some of my new tracks too if your interested… :ninja :ninja

NICE, i mean, i wouldnt play it if i was bored and wanted to rock out, but understanding what a PITA it is to make music, thats good stuff

I rap, ask swifty and eddie habeck, and SOMF hahah, and heres me (the white guy)

wtf is SOMF doin…

Read thread title as ‘Anyone here a magician’ came into thread thinking :wtf

Now I get it.