Anyone here a musician?

Sounds great man. I like.

i can get you a professional drummer, 100 bucks a track.

hahaa being SOMF

I’ll do it for free. :nod

Well if it comes down to paying someone I have someone that does an entire albumn for me for $100. And hes one of the best drummers I know.

i play drums I’ve been in 2 bands with kids from my old school. I play guitar a little when im bored.

shut up all u do is cut your self when your bored

every1 knows

lol j/p

Bringing this back.

I plan on buying a new drumset within the next couple of months.

That, and I plan on purchasing an electric guitar as well.

Now if only I could sing… :lol

Those of you who work in an office environment can appreciate that one

edit*Nevermind, I thought that was going to be funny. Instead it’s lame advertisement.

And those finger drums SUCK. Holy shit, it looks like gearhead put em together :lol

I’m a musician.

I’ve been playing the Alto Saxophone Kenny G style since I was 9.

I’ve been singing since I was about 13 or so…but more like church choir type stuff.

I have my cymbols at my parents house but no drumset, I sold my set when I moved into my apartment but the guy didn’t give me enough to part with my cymbols… I have really nice hats and ride, also 2 crashes that are completely broken but perfectly fine for messing around with in the basement. Let me know if you’d be interested in buying them (the ride and hats that is, other two are free).

I’ve been in 4325443 bands. I play drums, guitar and bass. My last band I wrote and recorded 100% of the music(I didn’t do the vocals).

I still write music, mostly acoustic/classical stuff.

I met a girl this Saturday in Albany that was amazing at playing the skin flute. She could really slobber out those notes.

What are they?

I might get an electric set.

zildjian, I have the sizes marked down somewhere around here…

Zildjian what?

what do you mean what?

What is the model name?

Example, I had Sabian B8’s on my last set before I sold it.

They didn’t have any different designation on them, the crash that I bought most recently I don’t think had one advertised either.

Check on the back and see if there is any code stamped into the cymbal around the middle.