Anyone in the Richomnd VA area today?

Need a neck broken or at least a few knees. Why can’t fuckin people just get jobs instead someone has to order a 1000 dollar laptop and pay with it with my account and then try and buy a 3500 dollar watch. I have the address if anyone wants to go hunting. I would do it myself but the 2 day flight back isn’t worth it. Oh yeah the laptop is being delivered today…i guess you can beat his ass and take it.

i wont be down there this weekend, but i work with a guy that lives down there, go there every once in a while for a beer. dont know when ill be back actually but if this is still a problem in a week or two let me know

Damn, I drove through Richmond from Charleston, SC today.

In Charleston and didnt even stop to say hi. Shame shame!

so someone paid for that laptop with your paypal account?


I wanted to drive through and find all those houses painted pastel colors that are $1.5 million a piece or whatever, but Charleston is a hell of a lot bigger than I thought it was :rofl:


Should have said something. There are a few places. The battery downtown, Isle of Palms, Folly Beach. What were you doing down here?

Sorry to hijack the thread. But yeah, Im not sure I understand exactly what happened? Did someone use your paypal acct, or someone got it with your credit card and then sold it on ebay? Either way…shitty!

Edit: posted that before I saw your answer…did you contact paypal?

wow that sucks, hope you catch them.

That sucks. I just had $1,300 in airline tickets charged to my American Express last week. I guess someone picked up my card # when I was in Vegas and flew some people in from Dallas and shit. I’d be down for paying for those plane tickets to go beat someone’s ass…

Hope you get it all straightened out. That shit is spineless.

ya cant paypal help with this ?

paypal sucks…they will give you song and dance send you a letter try a go after the people…

thats why i will never use pay pal it is in by no means safe…

and if you have to use a seperate bank account that you only load money into for that…

Well my parents live in Richmond, and I have LOTS of friends down there who are always looking for “cash jobs” :naughty: LOL! Sorry to hear.

I had a problem w/ a vendor on ebay, and it took dammed long enough (30 days) but I finally did get my money back from paypal.

if your seriously having problems you cant resolve let me know, ill be down there soon anyway, pm me or hit me up on aol. I will be able to help

i know not too many people on this site like me because i talked back when people started givin me shit for drivin a del sol but i wouldnt mind helping… im special forces in the military (just got out of active duty a couple months ago) and im gonna be goin down to va in about a month to visit the guys in my detachment. if this problem isnt handled by then let me know… im always down for a good ass beating, and im sure the guys in my detachment would love to help!!