Anyone interested in personal diet/fitness programs?

i could afford to loose some weight and turn it into muscle…

I’d be down.

I know a some proper nutrition basics but that’s about it. Since I spend most of my day at work and don’t get much sleep (4/5 hours a night), I at least try to have a good start for the day with good breakfast. 6 days a week, between 6am and 1pm I’ll eat two bananas and an orange along with one cup of tea or coffee, which I’m sure isn’t bad but Travis feel free to chime in on how to improve that.

Otherwise as the weather is picking up I’ll get back into outdoor running and body weight workouts. I typically run about a mile around the neighborhood with changing my loop to a longer and different one about every month or so. I’ve also recently tried to incorporate HIT on the final stretch towards the end of the loop. I’m also not sure if it’s appropriate to use it at the end or should I use it in the middle.

My goal is to do a 5 mile run I failed to do last year, I got about 2 miles into it and then it was nothing more but short spring/walk the rest.

At the moment I’m 160lbs or so, up from 150lbs I was last summer and my BF% is nowhere near healthy.

The problem is, other than that attempt at a healthy breakfast, throughout the day I’ll eat anything and everything. Beer nights which should be done once a week or two at best as a “cheat” night over the course of the winter happened a lot more often which didn’t help the situation. I’m considering substituting for hard liquor in the future if I start following the nutrition.

Let me know!

By the way Jclark, what body weight training do you do? I could use more exercises other than basic crunches, pushups and dumbells.

Find healthier things to eat when out or bring healthier things with you. Dont drink calories. Run longer, 1-2 miles doesnt do jack.

Body weight:

^^ A few examples. Hit up Google for more. Some are girlie and wont do jack if you arent already 500lbs or you dont add weight.

I found my own Diet Plan. Ive tried things in the past, they worked a little but not too well. I was 300 lbs about 3 yrs ago. 265 in July. I started eating 5 egg whites for breakfast, 1 piece of fruit for lunch, and tuna wrap/sandwich for dinner. I weigh 220 right now. This was done with 0 exercise. I dont exercise, its boring to me. I play softball about 3-4 days a week in the spring to fall though.

It’s not an average body weight, so take it as it is, but at my weigh in this am I am officially under 290 lbs. 288.6 to be exact. illllllllllll

I’m like 125lbs and 6’1" so I think I’m good

sounds like it’s working for you, but I don’t think that’s too healthy long term :rofl

It’s working because your calories in < calories out. Might want to vary your choices tho (especially on pounding egg whites…), that sounds more boring than your boring exercise. :smiley:

Hm good point. Looked into running and it only burns 100 calories a mile, not all that effective, but I do it for excersize more so than calorie burning.

I’ll get to the point of averaging 2 or 3 miles.

Agressive bike riding burns a good amount of calories as well.

yeah thats kind of the point though. Eat bland foods i dont really care for. When i used to do other diets, when you could eat some good food, all that was on my mind was what i could eat and when i could eat it. Food was always on my mind. I have a food addiction, im like a binge eater, once i start eating i cant stop. So by eating these foods i made food unimportant to me. I dont think about when and what im going to eat because its the same thing, same time every day.

yeah man i agree, im doing it to hit my goal, which is about 190-200. then im just going to be looking to maintain my weight. Then ill have to work a little to trim things up a bit.

nice man, congrats

there is no way me running for 1 mile burns only 100 calories.

no fucking way, i don’t care what you say.

1,000,000% gonna have you help me out, i just need the motivation to start lol

We can probably work a deal…trade personal exercise/nutrition plan with daily email help for 30 days, for a exterior detail or something

the barter system, it works

iight dickhead, we’ll figure something out next week when im on break

i cut back wat i was eating started lifting 3 days a week and cardio 6 days a week and im down 17lbs and muscle strength is up. just takes a good schedule, calorie deficit, and persistance!!!

Benny: he’s right- but only for someone more like Vlad’s size… But if you are a lot heavier than 160 lbs, of course it’s going to be more energy required… See below for a guideline:

I think this is a pretty good rough guide… I usually shoot for 400 calories every session, and it takes me 3.5 miles of running to get there according to the machine (set for 160 lb person probably)…

One other thing, note from guide above that yeah, it sucks it “takes so long” but then if you up the work rate (by moving faster), you can expend the same amount of calories in a shorter time. But if it takes too much effort at first, build up to it.

Even if you see “small” amounts like 100 calories, etc, “only” after a session, that’s good, just keep working at it and be consistent, as you get fitter it becomes easier to do the same workout and soon you’ll find you can keep going…

the only depressing thing with getting into good cardio shape is how quick it disappears. If you lie around for a month or two you can lose it all. Very frustrating and demotivating if you aren’t one to stick to a plan.

It is funny how few calories running a mile burns. It’s still good to get your heart rate elevated and keep your blood pumper healthy.

Fitness question: As you become more fit;

  1. Do you burn more calories or less in an identical workout?

  2. Do you sweat sooner or later during the same identical workout?

So true man… The thing that gets me motivated to run isn’t really to get “more fit” sometimes… I just think “geez two weeks of not doing it and I’ll probably be back on the couch” For real.

I read a study once that showed you lose whatever gains you make like 4 or 5x as quickly. So if it took you 5 months to get to a 2 mile run, after a month of not working out, you probably won’t be able to do it. Sad…

As for how “few” calories running burns, well that’s true but if you compare against other things, it’s pretty damn good. Plus, once the cal/hr rate gets high, the exercise is so damn hard that the average person getting back into shape can’t sustain it anyways! (i.e. cross country skiing, etc)

If an average weight person slowly jogs a mile, there’s 100cal. If a 2x weight person slowly jogs a mile, its 2x the work. And pretty soon you wont be slowly jogging anymore, you’ll be running (not jogging) miles and burning more cals. Better yet, go run up a hill or wear a weight vest or something to multiply the energy expended.

Plus exercise makes you feel better, get out of bed quicker, have more energy all day, etc.