Anyone know if these "utz potato chip routes" are legit?

I like to scavenger craigslist on the business section and lately ive seen multiple “utz” chip routes for sale and am curious if anyone knows for sure if this shit is legit…

For the money, even though your not making alot, for the amount of work/time your putting in, it seems too good to be true… Couple of the dudes are working 2 day a week and making 5k-8k gross and get 20% on that 5-8k ($1,000-$1,600)… Only expenses are gas and computer support i guess.

Called one of the guys and talked with him for 25 minutes and he seemed halfway legit, but a couple things threw me off… one, he spoke very highly of the two other people that were selling there routes, while id think they are in competition? Two, he gave me the number to a manager for utz that could “tell me everything I need to know”

I get the baasic concept, you pick up the goods from the warehouse and you stock the shelves at department stores… but like, how do you get the routes and how are they SECURED and for how long? Can someone drop you? Dont get it…also, if they can make that kinda money, why wouldnt they pay some kid $7.50 an hour to do the route for them and have 10-15 accounts at a time?

here are a few c list listings i saw

did you call the manager yet?

Ive always thought buying a route was sketchy as hell because theres really nothing being bought other than the potential to make money. You still have to pay for the product.

If these guys make as much as theyre saying for as little effort as they put in, why are they selling their routes?

not yet, didnt get off the phone with the first dude until like 9 20 and i think its a little late now.

Exactly what I want to know and whats stopping myself from persuing it lol… Hire some kid off craigslist $250 a week to do it FOR you and you sit back and STILL collect decent money if you cant do it.

different routes don’t compete against each other. they each have their own stores that they go to.
FedEx sells routes also, those guys own their own truck and have to do their own maintenance etc. not sure if they are all like that but my dad’s buddy has had a route forever in Saratoga and he does pretty well.

Yeah, I used to work at fedex and talked to quite a few of the drivers there. They bid on routes, they own their truck… they are responsible for all the maintenance and gear they have etc.

Some guys start out like an “apprentice” a guy will hire someone to go on route with him, sometimes take over when he wants a day off type deal and may eventually sell the route off to him.

Most new guys I saw rent Ryder trucks, slap a FedEx magnet on the side and then evtually buy a truck.

Every fedex driver is almost like their own seperate buisness, unlike UPS in which you work for UPS. Here you pay for the right to deliver on behlaf of fedex.

Some of these “routes” are the same thing. IIRC Coke does it, many small snack and drink companies do it.

I think you should start a print screening business. I can totally see you doing that

I dont even know what a print screening business does lol

U mean like custom t shirts and stuff? I dont think id be good enough at doing it lol

yeah shirts and stuff

you’d be great at that. make up 1000 dave Matthews shirts then head up to spac for a weekend and unload them all. cash business. that has Dave written all over it. If you did that just for summer alone you’d make bank

Any job that promises high for low pay work sounds suspect to me.

Sad but so true :rofl:rofl

This. But UTZ chips are good doe.

  1. Sell chips
  2. Sell weed
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Become a paperboy.