Anyone know Jonathon Cote?

I knew him and his brother, live behind me. He was reserves downrange then went blakc with blackwater

wow, it really is people like you that make the public hate our armed forces

i dunno, that makes me like em more personally.

Not me! And to him…thank you for going.

thats shitty that they are american’s and the country is in a war, and that they need congress to ok it. I say send people in to save them

idk if its me but severed fingers really dont prove there alive lol

His mom works in my building. Nice woman.

my buddy works with one of the hostages brothers

This is the wrong attitude to have. Why are we here? Your job as a soldier will be to come here and help these people. When you come here you will probably experience things that will upset you very much but you CAN NOT think like this. Once you are here to “fuck shit up” you are now only making a problem worse. But we know you just ment the bad people, RIGHT!

I agree things like that should not be said. i would be willing to bet he is only talking about the bad people here but i still dont think things like that need to be said.

I dont know the person but i wish the best for all of them. I hope for a safe return to their families.

Why not raise money? It takes money to do anything these days. They said on the news the money they raise is to help pay for his stuff. He has storage units and insurance payments. They are paying for everything because they believe he is still coming home. Plus I read a family friend raised 150k for ransom money.

thats the million dollar question isnt it…

You are so clever!!!111!1!1!! You know the job of the troops being here is to help the current situation.

at cameron they just built a compressor for a company in iraq, and my mom cant get ne of the mechanics to go out their and build it. She even offered a $2,500 bonus on top of all the other benefits you get for going overseas to build one and still noone will do it. I personally dont bame them.

ineedacar-this is horrible. one of the reasons i cant wait to get over there (as a soldier not contractor) and fuck shit up.

You can say that not until you have been there and then your outlook totally changes on the war and your life.

Word but these armchair war fighters have such strong opinions of how it actually is and what really happens its funny actually. I try not to let it bother me too much. Im sure the guy has good intentions and im also sure after being here he wont say that. But my favorite are the guys that have it all figured out from their media information hahahahaha.

absolutely… what did you guys think I meant? I dont necessarily mean Iraq or whatever, anywhere in general, if people were trying to fuck us up. it’d be on. i’m not doing it so I have a chance to just be on a warpath, actually to be honest little to no “fucking shit up” would be awesome… and safer.

all I meant by the original comment is to fuck up people like this that kidnap people and cut their fingers off and send them back to us. thats fucked up.

We know man dont worry about it. Glad you are going to serve.

i know the job you guys are being asked to do. but that still doesnt answer the question as to why you are there.

im not one of those tree hugging pacifists that thinks war and violence is bad. but wtf, i dont like seeing our soldiers picked off one by one because we cant answer the fucking question. if we are there by mistake then get the fuck out and let the iraqis police their country. its pretty damn obvious the iraqi people dont want us there because they would rather see you guys die than blow in the guy thats gunna kill you. and if were there for empire building then grow some nads and get control of the situation…turn the place into a fucking parking lot. the romans made us look like pussies.

Jon is a very good friend of mine. Went to school with him at Williamsville North, was my left winger in hockey, he even lived in the same apartment complex as I did throughout highschool. He is probably one of the nicest guys I have ever known. This whole situation sucks…not knowing where he is or if he is still alive. I think about him everyday. Crazy shit goes through your head when you have a friend missing and a sister serving in the marines in a another country and not being able to talk to them. My prayers are with him, family, and friends