anyone know whats best to scrub oil off of bricks ?

Large quanities of fertilizer, diesel fuel, and fire

Muriatic Acid. /thread

aka hydrochloric?

i’d use a jug of Total Degreaser. Smells like Jager, eats all oils. We mop with it at Adrians’s; it melts the soles of cheap shoes.

i need some formula50

Tide pen?

dans bf juice


nothing even comes close

need a case??

or two,pm me price

castrol super clean works pretty good

Dan…buy some Muriatic Acid…it’s used for cleaning masonry. Scrub it with a stiff brush and you should be good. Incidently brake cleaner works wonders as well, but not for anything inside.

yup. I have 25 gallons of it sitting in my garage.

Purple Power is the best dilute it with scalding hot water after that i think swab makes it its a powdered concrete cleaner scrub and squirt off thats what we use at work cleans oil spills antifreeze almost any thing you can think of and with out much effort

please start drinking it now

Super clean, don’t even dilute it it’s more fun…
If it doesn’t clean it, it’ll atleast eat the bricks away so you can replace them.

X2 for muriatic acid. Just dilute it alot.

why? Fuck diluting it. It’s way more fun if you dont. But since we’re on the topic, if you have any rusty tools, toss them into some MA for about 30 minutes and they’ll be completely rust free. Its amazing to me that this shit is sold without restriction. Couple hundred gallons of this shit in a cropduster would be serious unpleasantness.