Anyone need some extra cash?


The typical Amway/Quixtar dream is to “retire” from a day job with unlimited time and financial freedom. For those wanting to achieve this dream with the “2-5 year plan”, the business becomes a way of life consuming every spare moment of time, and their complete mental attention. Unfortunately the 2-5 year plan is nothing more than an elusive dream and most participants will lose time with their families, and thousands of dollars a year. For many, the Amway dream turns into a personal financial nightmare as distributors spend thousands of dollars on their upline’s optional but necessary support system of motivational conferences and tapes.


I’m doing good enough to be completly debt free and have my soon to be wife stay home within the next 18 months
You can laugh all you want at me, I’ll be sure to laugh all the way to the bank! And trust me I wont be thinking about any of you :wink:


What was your RETAIL sales number last quarter (also known as product that you didn’t buy from yourself)?