Anyone on here do body work?

I’m looking to get rust removed from a car. I’m not looking to get it in perfect show car condition or anything, just make it less rusty I guess. Does anyone on here do this on the side or know somewhere that won’t charge me an arm and a leg to get this taken care of? I’m not looking to break the bank here and I have no idea what this costs normally.

Pic of your car and the area you want repaired?

if you rented me a bead blaster I could do it unless u are missing metal when thats all done.

if it isnt too bad, try doing it yourself if you dont care for a perfect finish. I had some rust issues a couple summers ago on my integra, and i gave it a shot myself.

like yourself, i didnt car for a perfect job, just clean it up and do a pretty good job.

i did it myself and had someone shoot it for me, and it turned out very well actually. It was my first time doing any type of body work, and i learned alot from it while doing it.

I may do that Kyle, I’ll let you know.

I know my limits. This is past my limits. I liken it to computers. People who tinker with their computers and know enough to get themselves into trouble, but not out of it. That’s how I am with things like this and that’s why I want someone who knows what they’re doing to help me with it. Oh, and it’s not really a certain area that needs it. Body panels have an occasional small rust spot but I can replace those with junkyard replacements. It’s the under side that I’m concerned about.

Oh and anyone know someone who does brake lines for a fair price?