body repair work?

ok just to make this clear this isnt for my car…

Yesterday at work my friend came up to me and asked if i knew anyone that does body work, i said no but il look so heres me looking…

She wants to know if anyone does body repair work, her rear quarter panel is starting to rust and she wants to get it fixed. she got a quote from one place and was quoted $700 for the repair, and she was looking for another opinion on price…

her car is a 1993 Nissan 240sx coupe
she said something like they need to cut the rust off and replace it with steal/fiber glass. so if anyone knows how to repair this kind of job she would greatly appreciate it.
were located in Kitchener.

thats pretty much all i know for now as she asked me this during work last night and i was really busy so i didnt have much time to get more details.
il see if i can get more details tonight.


are you looking for something in kitchener?? if not there’s ART auto repair, which i heard was really good, ask ZEP the forum mod. he got his zenki painted

try asking hanzzzz. i know he does welding and stuff. for rust its always better to just cut out the rusted part and weld new metal in. otherwise the rust will just spread.

if it is just surface rust, it can be sandblasted, then put some short strand fibreglass since it is close to a seem in the metal, then some finishing glaze(bondo) then paint. if it is rusted through, then it needs to be sandblasted, bad metal cut out, a patch welded in, then the same steps as before, or u could cut all the spot welds and pull the whole quarter and spot weld in a new fresh quarter, but that is extreme restoration type shit. 700 sounds about right from a decent shop, im sure u could find it for like 400, but that would be iffy, honestly, most body shops are iffy, reputable or not. I have worked in 1 really bad one and 2 really good ones, but there are just more bad then good.

I could do it once i get my mig up and running, which i am looking into today. I live in Ajax though, so your friend had better be serious.

oh yeah, also, i dont do paint. i could finish it in primer so it wont rust, but i just dont have the equipment to paint. i have a hook-up, but he takes like 2 months to get to my shit when i send him stuff

il ask her what she thinks and get back to you about this.

thanks anyway hanzzzzz but i told her that $700 sounds about right and that you could do the repair but your way out in Ajax and she’s not in a rush or anything but doenst want to drive out there and just said she’ll give it to a local body shop for the day.
so dont worry about this anymore.

tru, i was kinda iffy, considering you’re so far away