Anyone Own S13 Flip Key ?

anyone have the flip key little remote device ? Does it fit the s13 door lock without problems and glovebox, tired on my old original nissan key, plus the flip key is fun to play with.

i have butter fly knife key uncut its cooler. post a pic of your key

looks exactly like this

i dont get it… like a VW switchblade key?

yes like this -

If you look at that you will realize it’s a laser-cut key with a slide-groove rather than your standard tumbler-pin key. They won’t work. Maybe if someone has created a knock-off I’m not aware of…

I had one with my old S13. It came with it so I’m not sure where the guy got it from.

my buddy bought a blank one awhile ago and got it cut at a locksmith …worked fine i believe …i dunno i have seen him actually use it maybe 2 times

thats a pretty cool thing, considering most of us can start our cars with screwdrivers. ahah.

^ lol I was just gonna post that thread. My buddy works at a VW dealer, I’m trying to see if he’ll get one for me so I can have one for my Jetta.

I went to some vw junk yard in t.o and got mine there for my mk2, never got around to doing it. Seems fairly simple though. Also, I’m fairly certain most flip keys are exactly the same as the vw ones, so the dyi works for everyone.

I’d be amused for hours…

^ That’s true, I checked one at work (GM), and they all seem to have that little roll pin in them, so I would imagine that tutorial would work with any switchblade key.

So, find any switchblade key and use that tutorial.

Basically… I would imagine they’re all like that so the key can be replaced without replacing the whole $$$$ fob.

Myself, I want a VW one to go with the VW that I drive. And since I have a dealership connection, I’ll just wait until one comes along.

do you know where he got a blank one?


+1 the vortex is bomb

mike at “the source” runs a good buisness …what our community needs is a nissan scrapyard

Yes, thats what it was called, couldnt remember the name.